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98 resources match your filter criteria.

Dulse Seaweed Bookmark Activity Instructions

The Dulse Seaweed Curriculum was a collaborative project between NOAA Fisheries researchers and educators from rural and urban classrooms in Alaska. The Seaweed Bookmark Instructions walk you step by step through the process of creating bookmarks.
November 09, 2022 -

Dulse Seaweed Lifecycle Activity Sheet

The Dulse Seaweed Curriculum was a collaborative project between NOAA Fisheries researchers and educators from rural and urban classrooms in Alaska. The Seaweed Lifecycle Activity explores the generalized lifecycle of red algae.
November 09, 2022 -

Dulse Seaweed vs Plant Activity Sheet

The Dulse Seaweed Curriculum was a collaborative project between NOAA Fisheries researchers and educators from rural and urban classrooms in Alaska. The Seaweed vs Plant Activity explores the similarities and differences between seaweeds and plants.
November 09, 2022 -

Dulse Seaweed Word Search Activity Sheet

The Dulse Seaweed Curriculum was a collaborative project between NOAA Fisheries researchers and educators from rural and urban classrooms in Alaska. The Seaweed Word Search Activity is a great way to engage students learning new vocabulary terms.
November 09, 2022 -

Empleos con NOAA Fisheries en la costa oeste (en español)

NOAA Fisheries tiene un amplio abanico de carreras: biología, comunicaciones, ecología, educación, tecnologías de la información, aplicación de la ley, gestión, política marina, divulgación, desarrollo de software, estadística, etc.
September 21, 2023 -
Empleos con NOAA Fisheries en la costa oeste

Essential Fish Habitat in Hawaiʻi Brochure

An illustrated brochure that explains why Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) is important, which species have designated EFH in Hawai‘i, and what is involved in the EFH consultation process information for federal agencies.
August 26, 2020 -
Brochure cover photo of the Essential Fish Habitat in Hawai'i with a photo of two fish swimming among various coral.

Esturión verde (en español)

El esturión verde es una especie antigua cuyos orígenes se remontan a 220 millones de años, a la época de los dinosaurios.
October 03, 2023 -
Esturión verde norteamericano

Good Salmon Habitat, Bad Salmon Habitat Card Game

What habitat features give salmon and steelhead a chance to thrive, and what conditions are detrimental? The answers will change how you see the habitat around you. Classroom card game with illustrations and explanations.
October 04, 2019 -
Good Habitat cover image

Gray Whale Marine Debris Activity

In this activity, participants will examine the stomach contents of a gray whale that stranded on Arroyo Beach in West Seattle on April 14, 2010.
November 12, 2020 -
Gray Whale Marine Debris Activity cover page

Green Sturgeon Brochure

Green sturgeon are an ancient species with their origins stretching back 220 million years to the time of the dinosaurs.
October 03, 2023 -
Green Sturgeon Brochure