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34 resources match your filter criteria.

Low levels of sibship encourage use of larvae in western Atlantic bluefin tuna abundance estimation by close-kin mark-recapture

We used high throughput genomic profiling to study sibship within and among larval tows from the 2016 standardized Gulf-wide survey compared to targeted sampling carried out in 2017.
November 16, 2022 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Highly Migratory Species Predictive Spatial Modeling (PRiSM): An Analytical Framework for Assessing the Performance of Spatial Fisheries Management

A new peer-reviewed paper has been published describing the Highly Migratory Species Predictive Spatial Modeling tool.
September 08, 2021 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Research Team Publications

Publications related to the research by the Atlantic Salmon Ecosystem Research Team in support of endangered U.S. Atlantic salmon populations and the ecosystems that support these iconic fish.
September 09, 2020 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Apex Predator Publications and Reports – White Shark

Publications and reports that include information on the white shark.
June 05, 2020 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,
white shark Skomal credit.jpg

Apex Predator Publications and Reports – Whale Shark

Publications and reports that include information on the whale shark.
June 05, 2020 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,
whale shark.jpg

Apex Predator Publications and Reports – Tiger Shark

Publications and reports that include information on the tiger shark.
June 05, 2020 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,
tiger shark dorsal view.jpg

Apex Predator Publications and Reports – Spiny Dogfish

Publications and reports that include information on the spiny dogfish.
June 05, 2020 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,
spiny dogfish.jpg

Apex Predator Publications and Reports – Spinner Shark

Publications and reports that include information on the spinner shark.
June 05, 2020 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,
spinner shark.jpg

Apex Predator Publications and Reports – Smooth Hammerhead Shark

Publications and reports that include information on the smooth hammerhead shark.
June 05, 2020 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,
smooth hammerhead.jpg

Apex Predator Publications and Reports – Smooth Dogfish

Publications and reports that include information on the smooth dogfish.
June 04, 2020 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,
smooth dogfish.jpg