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136 resources match your filter criteria.

Fish and Invertebrate Acoustics

We record the sounds produced by fish and invertebrates to study their spawning behaviors, locations, and potential threats.

Groundfish Assessment Program Bottom Trawl Surveys

General information on bottom trawl surveys and related research in Alaska.

Commercial Fishing Business Cost Survey

Our survey seeks to better understand the costs associated with commercial fishing in the Northeast.

Juvenile Coral Abundance Across the U.S. Pacific Influenced by Depth, Heat Stress, Coral Cover, Suitable Substrate, and Human Density

Our results also suggest coral density is dependent on several factors, including and the number of humans in the system.
September 13, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Understanding the Health Of Long Island Sound's Oyster Beds

We are measuring the health of Long Island Sound’s oysters to guide restoration.

Fisheries Ecology in the Northeast

We study the relationship between marine life and their environment to support sustainable wild and farmed fisheries on the Northeast shelf, creating opportunities and benefits for the economy and ecosystem.

Coral Reefs Benefit From Reduced Land–Sea Impacts Under Ocean Warming

New research published in Nature demonstrates that integrating land and sea in coastal ocean management supports the continued persistence of coral reef ecosystems in our changing climate.
August 09, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Milford Lab's GoPro Aquaculture Project

This project uses GoPro camera footage to understand interactions between shellfish aquaculture gear and wild fish communities.

Ocean Currents Magnify Upwelling and Deliver Nutritional Subsidies to Reef-Building Corals During El Niño Heatwaves

Results reveal how large-scale ocean-climate interactions affect reef ecosystems thousands of kilometers away and provide a valuable framework for identifying reefs that may benefit from such biophysical linkages during future bleaching events.
June 14, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Ocean Currents Magnify Upwelling and Deliver Nutritional Subsidies to Reef-Building Corals During El Niño Heatwaves

Results reveal how large-scale ocean-climate interactions affect reef ecosystems thousands of kilometers away and provide a valuable framework for identifying reefs that may benefit from such biophysical linkages during future bleaching events.
June 14, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,