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5 resources match your filter criteria.

Southwest Fisheries Science Center Stock Assessments

Our stock assessments provide information on the dynamics of fish populations and scientific information to fishery managers regarding stock status, historical and future biomass, and recruitment trends.
A pod of long-beaked common dolphins is seen jumping over the surface of the ocean. Long-beaked common dolphin school. Photo: NOAA Fisheries/Adam Ü

Fishery Monitoring for West Coast and International Fisheries

We transform fisheries data into fisheries information via summations and statistical analyses to support stock assessments, scientific studies, and national and international data reporting requirements.
4000x3000-Albacore Tagging-2012-Helena AryafarJPG

Population Dynamics of Coastal Pelagic and Highly Migratory Species in the North Pacific

We conduct analyses supporting the Fishery Management Plans for coastal pelagic species and highly migratory species.

Economics and Human Dimensions of Eastern Pacific and West Coast Fisheries

We conduct research on socioeconomic dimensions to support the conservation and management of international tuna fisheries, domestic Highly Migratory Species and Coastal Pelagic Species fisheries, marine recreational fisheries, and protected species.

Relative Impacts of Simultaneous Stressors on a Pelagic Marine Ecosystem

Model suggests that due to climate change, a decline in the yield of Hawaii's longline fishery may be inevitable, but the effects of climate change on the ecosystem depend heavily on the intensity of fishing mortality.
July 04, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,