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13 resources match your filter criteria.

Habitat and Groundfish Ecology Cooperative Research in the California Current

We engage the fishing community in scientific research to improve our understanding on nearshore groundfish ecology.

Climate Impacts on West Coast Fisheries and Protected Species

We investigate the effects of climate on fisheries and protected species in the California Current to understand their ecology better and inform management.

Science Leading to Recovery and Delisting of Puget Sound Rockfish

Using genetics, experimental fieldwork and computer modeling to determine whether rockfish species meet criteria and recovery goals of Endangered Species Act.

Science Leading to the Protection of Puget Sound Rockfish

Quantifying historical fishing pressure on and population trends of rockfish in Puget Sound to determine listing status under the Endangered Species Act.

Ecosystem Science for Endangered and Threatened Rockfish in Puget Sound

Interdisciplinary and cooperative research to measure progress towards recovery and delisting of endangered and threatened species.

Ecological Research on Rockfishes in Puget Sound

We used oceanographic modeling, acoustic tracking technology and stable isotope analyses to examine basic research questions for rockfish in Puget Sound.

West Coast Observer Program Outreach Materials

Newsletters from the Fisheries Observation Science Program intended for our fisheries observers and associated individuals. The Word on the Waves newsletter features program news, profiles of our observers, seafood recipes, and more.

Fisheries Assessment and Modeling Research on California Salmon and Groundfish

Our team performs stock assessments and conducts research focused on improving fisheries management.

Fisheries and Ecosystem Oceanography Research in the California Current

Our team uses ship-based surveys to collect ecosystem and juvenile rockfish population data used in fisheries management.

Habitat and Groundfish Ecology Research in the California Current

Our team performs stock assessments and studies demersal communities and habitat assemblages to ensure sustainable and effective management of marine ecosystems.