Notices and Rules
Gulf of Mexico Lane Snapper Catch Limits Abbreviated Framework
This action increases the Gulf lane snapper OFL to 1,116,331 lb ww, and the ABC/ACL to 1,088,873 lb ww. It also makes changes to VMS requirements for Gulf commercial Reef Fish permit holders.
Framework Action to Modify the Greater Amberjack Recreational Fixed Closed Season and Commercial Trip Limit
This framework action modifies the greater amberjack recreational fixed-closed season and commercial trip limit to extend the fishing season durations, reduces the likelihood of exceeding the ACL, and eliminates harvest during the spawning period.
Update to Red Snapper Calibrations and Gray Snapper Catch Limits
This action updates state specific private angling component calibration ratios and ACLs to provide a more accurate estimate of state landings for red snapper management and updates gray snapper catch limits including the OFL, ABC, and ACL.
Amendment 56: Modifications to Catch Limits, Sector Allocation, and Recreational Fishing Seasons for Gulf of Mexico Gag
This amendment is intended to end overfishing of the Gulf of Mexico gag. The most recent update to Gulf gag stock assessment (SEDAR 72, 2022) estimated that gag is overfished and is undergoing overfishing as of 2019.
Emergency Rule to Implement Reduced Commercial Trip Limits for Gulf of Mexico Greater Amberjack
The Emergency Rule would reduce the Gulf greater amberjack commercial trip limit to 7 fish (~210 lb equivalent) from the current trip limit of 1,000 lb gutted weight with a step down to 250 lb gutted weight when 75% of the quota has been harvested.
Framework 12: Modifications to Commercial Gulf King Mackerel Gillnet Fishing Season
CMP Framework 12 and the final rule would adjust the Gulf king mackerel gillnet component fishing season.
Modification of Gray Triggerfish Commercial Trip Limits
The purpose of the Framework Action and proposed rule is to increase the Gulf of Mexico gray triggerfish commercial trip limit to allow commercial fishermen the opportunity to land the commercial annual catch target (ACT).
Framework Action : Historical Captain Permits Conversion into Standard Federal Charter/Headboat Permits
This rule will address the Framework Action to provide federal for-hire operators in the Gulf an opportunity to replace their reef fish and coastal migratory pelagic historical captain permits with standard Gulf charter/headboat permits.
Amendment 54: Modifications to Greater Amberjack Catch Limits, Sector Allocation, and Rebuilding Plan
Reef Fish 54 adjusts the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) greater amberjack overfishing limit, acceptable biological catch, and sector annual catch limits and annual catch targets consistent with the most recent Southeast Data Assessment and
Modification of Catch Limits for Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper
Modification of Catch Limits for Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper; Framework Action to the Fishery Management Plan for Reef Fish Resources in the Gulf of Mexico; October 2022