The 2022 Summer CalCOFI cruise sailed aboard R/V Bold Horizon from August 14-30 to survey the distributions and abundances of pelagic fish stocks, their prey, and their biotic and abiotic environments in the California Current. The Bold Horizon had some technical/mechanical issues in which the ship needed to come into San Diego for repairs, resulting in 36 hours of lost days at sea. Some offshore stations were canceled due to the reduced available sea days but the CalCOFI team was successful in completing 68/75 stations.
Due to the scheduling conflict between the summer CalCOFI cruise and Leg 3 of the CPS cruise, FRD CalCOFI team members were not able to sail on the CalCOFI cruise this season but SIO colleagues graciously offered to collect bongo and some manta (neuston) tows in our absence. CalCOFI team members, Amy Hays, Lanora Vasquez, Emily Gardner, Nico Concha-Saiz, and Tiffany Bachtel prepared, packed, and loaded the supplies and gear needed for the cruise. Amy Hays also conducted a detailed training of our net tow sampling methods and ship-specific logistics as this was the first time the SIO scientists sailed on the Bold Horizon. Bryan Overcash was then instrumental in offloading FRD and SIO gear at the end of the survey.