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Alaska Salmon Bycatch Results

53 results match your filter criteria.

Alaska Fisheries Reports

Reports for Alaska's federal fisheries including permits and licenses issued, catch and landings reports, management reports, and the status of fisheries report.

Annual Report for the Alaska Groundfish Fisheries Chinook Salmon Incidental Catch and ESA Consultation

Annual and updated reports on salmon incidental catch in the Alaska groundfish fisheries. Includes information on salmon bycatch reduction measures and sources for the genetic composition of salmon caught in these fisheries.
October 14, 2019 - Other Reports ,

Exempted Fishing Permits in Alaska: Federal Register Rules and Notices

Notice of Application: This notice announces receipt of an exempted fishing permit (EFP) application from United Catcher Boats for pollock catcher vessels (CVs) using pelagic trawl gear in the eastern Bering Sea (BS) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA) to…

Vessel Specific Bycatch Rates in Alaska

Prohibited species bycatch rates for the groundfish fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska.

Bycatch and Prohibited Species Catch in Groundfish and Shellfish Fisheries in Alaska

Fish species that are not targeted and are discarded are considered bycatch or incidental catch. Certain species taken incidentally in Alaska's groundfish fisheries are called Prohibited Species Catch (PSC).

Frequent Questions: Bering Sea Chinook Salmon Bycatch Electronic Monitoring

American Fisheries Act (AFA) and Community Development Quota (CDQ) Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) pollock fisheries electronic monitoring requirements aboard catcher/processors and motherships.

Alaska Catch Accounting System

The Alaska Catch Accounting System quantifies total catch to allow inseason monitoring and management of groundfish fisheries. Total catch means both catch that is retained and catch that is discarded. Estimates of total catch are used to manage limits.

Bering Sea Non-Chinook Salmon Bycatch

Non-Chinook salmon are accidentally caught in the federally managed pollock fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI).

Chinook Salmon Bycatch Management in Alaska

Chinook salmon are accidentally caught in the federally managed pollock and non-pollock trawl fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) and the Gulf of Alaska (GOA).