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Coral Bleaching Results

11 results match your filter criteria.

Celebrate Corals Week

Corals Week is December 9–13, 2024! Join us in celebrating this diverse group of invertebrate animals and the reef habitats they create.
December 09, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Corals in clear pristine waters. Shallow water provides habitat for branching corals (Acropora spp), as seen here on a reef flat in Guam. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jonathan Brown

Ocean Currents Magnify Upwelling and Deliver Nutritional Subsidies to Reef-Building Corals During El Niño Heatwaves

Results reveal how large-scale ocean-climate interactions affect reef ecosystems thousands of kilometers away and provide a valuable framework for identifying reefs that may benefit from such biophysical linkages during future bleaching events.
June 14, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Ocean Currents Magnify Upwelling and Deliver Nutritional Subsidies to Reef-Building Corals During El Niño Heatwaves

Results reveal how large-scale ocean-climate interactions affect reef ecosystems thousands of kilometers away and provide a valuable framework for identifying reefs that may benefit from such biophysical linkages during future bleaching events.
June 14, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Coral Taxonomy and Local Stressors Drive Bleaching Prevalence Across the Hawaiian Archipelago in 2019

The Hawai‘i Coral Bleaching Collaborative conducts 2,177 coral bleaching surveys across the Hawaiian Archipelago.
September 01, 2022 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

A ‘Perfect Storm’ of Cumulative and Acute Heat Stress, and a Warming Trend, Lead to Bleaching Events in Tutuila, American Samoa

To better understand vertical thermal structure of reefs at depth and identify predictors of mass bleaching events, we used long-term in situ temperature data collected at multiple reefs and depths around the island of Tutuila in American Samoa.
July 21, 2022 - Technical Memo ,

Little Relief in the Deep for Heat-Stressed Corals

New research shows even coral reefs in deeper water aren’t immune to warming seas and coral bleaching.
January 07, 2020 - Feature Story ,
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El Niño-Associated Catastrophic Coral Mortality at Jarvis Island, Central Equatorial Pacific

Observing how a remote ecosystem responds to the 2014–2017 Global Coral Bleaching Event being the longest, most widespread, and impactful on record.
July 01, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Coral Reefs in the Pacific

Providing scientific information to support ecosystem approaches to management and conservation of coral reefs.

Coral Health and Threats in the Pacific Islands

Similar to coral reefs around the world, corals in the Pacific Islands are especially vulnerable to changing climate, diseases, and human impacts.