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Ecosystem Modeling Results

13 results match your filter criteria.

Notice of Decision for Amendment 24 to the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management plan

Amendment to clarify how models are reviewed to determine Chinook salmon abundance thresholds related to Southern Resident killer whales
February 27, 2024 -

2023 Summary of Ocean Ecosystem Indicators

Long-term monitoring of ocean conditions and their effect on juvenile Pacific salmon survival off Oregon and Washington.

Fisheries Off West Coast States: West Coast Salmon Fisheries; Amendment 24 to the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan

This Notice of Decision approves the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s proposed amendment to the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan (Amendment 24). Amendment 24 to the Salmon FMP clarifies the technical process for reviewing…

EcoFOCI Cruise - Post 3

EcoFOCI's Spring Mooring Cruise

EcoFOCI’s spring mooring cruise departed Dutch Harbor on May 10. This annual survey provides baseline fisheries & oceanographic data to support ongoing management of our nation's fisheries and marine life in the Bering Sea & rapidly changing U.S. Arctic.
June 06, 2022 - Research ,
Deploying the bongo nets over the starboard of the ship. Recovering bongo nets. Why are they called bongo nets? They look like a set of bongo drums!

EcoFOCI Cruise - Post 1

EcoFOCI's Spring Mooring Cruise

EcoFOCI’s spring mooring cruise departed Dutch Harbor on May 10. This annual survey provides baseline fisheries & oceanographic data to support ongoing management of our nation's fisheries and marine life in the Bering Sea & rapidly changing U.S. Arctic.
May 18, 2022 - Research ,
The research vessel Oscar Dyson, a large white boat with the NOAA logo on the side. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Climate Adaptation And What That Means

Addressing Challenges In Communicating Arctic Climate Research

It's common to hear the word “adaptation” alongside climate research. However, it can be difficult to determine what adapting to climate change means. Here, AFSC scientists share their thoughts on the definition of climate adaptation by U.S. Fisheries.
March 23, 2022 - Research ,
photograph of the village of Atka

Assessing in Support of Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management in the U.S

This paper highlights the importance of not waiting to integrate coupled social-ecological systems (SES) models, as timing affects the ability to fully address management questions
March 24, 2021 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Ecological Research on Rockfishes in Puget Sound

We used oceanographic modeling, acoustic tracking technology and stable isotope analyses to examine basic research questions for rockfish in Puget Sound.

Ecosystem Forecasting Methodology Research

Our team develops tools for ecosystem management by adapting methods used by physicists for dealing with large complex systems.

Ecosystem Modeling in the Pacific

Models can be used to explore changing ecosystem dynamics, impacts from climate change, and scenarios for resource management.