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Fishery Closures Results

24 results match your filter criteria.

Closure: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Angling Category Gulf of Mexico Incidental Trophy Fishery

Closure of the Angling Category Gulf of Mexico Incidental Trophy Bluefin Tuna Please note, that the Angling category fishery for school, large school, or small medium bluefin tuna (27 to <73”) remains open in all areas except for the Gulf of…

Proposed Rule for 2023-2024 Groundfish Specifications and Management Measures

Open for comment through November 14, 2022
October 18, 2022 -

Marine Microbes and Toxins Research in the Pacific Northwest

Science to understand the microorganisms that co-exist with aquatic organisms and live in aquatic environments.
stephanie moore with the esp nwfsc.jpg

Economics and Human Dimensions of Eastern Pacific and West Coast Fisheries

We conduct research on socioeconomic dimensions to support the conservation and management of international tuna fisheries, domestic Highly Migratory Species and Coastal Pelagic Species fisheries, marine recreational fisheries, and protected species.

Recreational Closure for Almaco Jack, Banded Rudderfish, and Lesser Amberjack in South Atlantic Federal Waters on September 25, 2019

FB19-053 South Atlantic Fishery Bulletin, For more information contact Mary Vara, Sustainable Fisheries (727) 824-5305
September 19, 2019 -

Recreational Closure for Red Grouper in South Atlantic Federal Waters on September 25, 2019

FB19-052 South Atlantic Fishery Bulletin, For more information Mary Vara, Sustainable Fisheries (727) 824-5305
September 19, 2019 -

Commercial Harvest of Atlantic Group Cobia (Georgia through New York) Will Close in Federal Waters on September 4, 2019

FB19-049: South Atlantic Fishery Bulletin, For More Information, Contact: Mary Vara, Sustainable Fisheries (727) 824-5305
August 28, 2019 -

Gulf of Mexico Seasonal and/Or Area Closures and Marine Protected Areas

Map of all seasonal closures and marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Gulf of Mexico.
June 27, 2019 - Map ,

Gulf of Mexico Seasonal and/Or Area Closures and Marine Protected Areas

Map of all seasonal closures and marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Gulf of Mexico.
June 27, 2019 - Map ,

Maps & Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data for the Southeast

Maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data for fisheries management, critical habitat, and habitat conservation including essential fish habitat in the southeast United States, including the U.S. Caribbean.