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Gulf of Mexico Results

65 results match your filter criteria.

Summer and Fall Groundfish Surveys in the Gulf of Mexico

NOAA Fisheries and partners conduct annual groundfish surveys to provide biological data and information for stock assessments in the Gulf of Mexico.

Gulf of Mexico Recreational Reef Fish Closure Projections

NOAA Fisheries estimates landings to determine when it is necessary to close fishing for a given species in order to avoid exceeding the catch limit for that species. This page details the process of making projections for each closure.

Gulf of Mexico Fishermen Reflect on Efforts to Restore Oceanic Fish

As the The Oceanic Fish Restoration Project wraps up after 5 years, the Gulf is starting to see juvenile populations of oceanic fish return. The collaborative partnership aimed to reduce bycatch and lessen fishing pressure of pelagic species.
May 12, 2023 - Feature Story ,
a oelagic longline fisherman throws a line over the gunnel of a boat

Louisiana Trustees Release Final Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Restoration Plan

The project, totaling more than $2 billion, would restore and protect thousands of acres of wetlands in coastal Louisiana.
September 21, 2022 - Feature Story ,
a wetland in coastal louisiana. A wetland in coastal Louisiana. Photo: Jeanne Allen

Upper Barataria Marsh Creation Project

NOAA and partners are leading a massive 1,200-acre marsh creation project in Louisiana’s Barataria Basin. The project will contribute to the restoration of wetland, coastal, and nearshore habitats injured by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
an aerial view of the upper barataria marsh creation site Aerial showing marsh creation progress, July 2023. Vegetation has already begun to rapidly fill in. Photo: Patrick M. Quigley,

Gulf Reef Fish Anglers: Help Reef Fish Survive Release with Free Gear

Have you caught and released reef fish, only to see them float away on the surface? The Return 'Em Right project is now providing recreational anglers Gulf-wide with the knowledge and tools—for free—to improve reef fish survival.
May 10, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Person on a boat wearing a Return Em Right tee shirt Return 'Em Right provides support and resources to anglers committed to using best release practices and helping reef fish survive release. Credit: Return 'Em Right.

NOAA’s Largest Wetland Restoration Project Underway in Louisiana

NOAA and partners began construction on a massive 1,200 acre marsh creation project in Louisiana’s Barataria Basin. The project, which has a budget up to $181 million, will create habitat, reduce erosion, and protect communities.
April 20, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Construction equipment in a marsh An excavator constructs a containment dike in one of the marsh creation areas of the Upper Barataria marsh creation project. Credit: Moffatt & Nichol.

Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment 2021 Programmatic Review

The Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment 2021 Programmatic Review provides an in-depth look at restoration progress in the Gulf of Mexico through the end of 2020.
November 30, 2021 - Other Reports ,
Deepwater Horizon 2021 Programmatic Review Cover