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Northern Bottlenose Whale Results

14 results match your filter criteria.

Incidental Take Authorization: U.S. Navy Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (2013 -2018)

NOAA Fisheries issued regulations under the MMPA to govern the unintentional taking of marine mammals incidental to training and testing activities conducted in the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing (AFTT) Study Area from November 2013 through…

Incidental Take Authorization: Oil and Gas Industry Geophysical Survey Activity in the Atlantic Ocean

In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine Mammal Protection Act as amended, notification is hereby given that NOAA Fisheries has issued incidental harassment authorizations to five separate applicants to incidentally harass marine…

Incidental Take Authorization: NOAA Fisheries NEFSC Fisheries and Ecosystem Research Activities in the Atlantic Ocean

NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources has issued an LOA and regulations under the MMPA to govern the unintentional take of small numbers of marine mammals incidental to fisheries research conducted by the NOAA Fisheries Northeast…