Incidental Take Authorization: NOAA Fisheries NEFSC Fisheries and Ecosystem Research Activities in the Atlantic Ocean
NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources has issued an LOA and regulations under the MMPA to govern the unintentional take of small numbers of marine mammals incidental to fisheries research conducted by the NOAA Fisheries Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) in the Atlantic Ocean over the course of five years, from the date of issuance until September 9, 2021.
Primary Research Areas
Supporting Materials
- Issued LOA (pdf, 14 pages)
- 2020 Monitoring Report (pdf, 17 pages)
- 2019 Monitoring Report (pdf, 19 pages)
- 2018 Monitoring Report (pdf, 22 pages)
- 2017 Monitoring Report (pdf, 17 pages)
- LOA Application (pdf, 214 pages)
- LOA Application Addendum (2015) (pdf, 6 pages)
- Public Comments (pdf, 12 pages)
- Programmatic Environmental Assessment (pdf, 375 pages)
- Programmatic Environmental Assessment Appendices (pdf, 304 pages)
- FONSI (pdf, 5 pages)
- Biological Opinion (pdf, 286 pages)
- References Cited (pdf, 21 pages)