U.S. Navy Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Notifications and Reports
This page lists notifications and reports related to the regulations issued by NOAA Fisheries under the Marine Mammal Protection Act to govern the unintentional taking of marine mammals incidental to U.S. Navy training and testing activities conducted in the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Study Area from December 2013 through December 2018.
August 10, 2018
On July 28, 2018, a dead Delphinus species (species not yet determined due to necrotic condition and age) and a dead long-beaked common dolphin stranded in San Diego, California, which NOAA Fisheries identified as an Uncommon Stranding Event. The Navy verified permitted high-frequency active sonar and explosives use within 72 hours and within 80 nautical miles of the stranding locations. NOAA Fisheries has initiated a review of the event.
June 6, 2018
On May 24, 2018, a California sea lion carcass was discovered at the Navy’s Silver Strand Training Complex. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy’s use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. NOAA Fisheries has initiated a review of the events.
October 5, 2018: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
June 1, 2017
Between May 15-17, 2017, four long-beaked common dolphins stranded in San Diego County, which NOAA Fisheries identified as an Uncommon Stranding Event on May 18. The Navy verified permitted mid- and high-frequency active sonar use within 72 hours before and 80 nautical miles of the stranding sites. The Navy also verified permitted explosives use within 72 hours before, and 80 nautical miles of, the May 17 stranding. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
- November 15, 2017: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
On May 11, 2017, a California sea lion carcass was discovered at the Navy's Silver Strand Training Complex. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. On May 15, 2017, a California sea lion carcass was discovered at Naval Base Coronado. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy’s use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. On May 18, 2017, a California sea lion carcass was discovered at the Navy’s Silver Strand Training Complex. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy’s permitted use of explosives. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the events (see below).
- September 21, 2017: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
May 8, 2017
Guadalupe fur seal strandings were reported in California on April 1 (San Diego), April 4 (Newport Beach), April 13 (Carlsbad), April 16 (Huntington), and April 17 (Imperial Beach), which NOAA Fisheries identified as Uncommon Stranding Events. Guadalupe fur seals are also the subject of an ongoing Unusual Mortality Event that began in January 2015.
The Navy verified permitted explosives training within 72 hours before, and 80 nm of, the April 1 stranding; permitted mid-frequency active sonar and explosives training within 72 hours before, and 80 nm of, the April 4 stranding; and permitted mid-frequency active sonar training within 72 hours before, and 80 nm of, the April 13, 16, and 17 strandings. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the events (see below).
- September 29, 2017: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 2 pages]
May 3, 2017
On April 20, 2017, a dead floating humpback whale was reported off Orange County, CA, which NOAA Fisheries identified as an Uncommon Stranding Event. The Navy verified permitted mid-frequency active sonar and explosives use within 72 hours before the standing and 80 nm of the stranding location. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
- September 21, 2017: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
On April 19, 2017, two long-beaked common dolphins stranded off Oxnard, California, which NOAA Fisheries identified as an Uncommon Stranding Event. The Navy verified permitted explosives use within 72 hours before the stranding and 80 nm of the stranding site. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
- October 18, 2017: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
March 28, 2017
On March 23, 2017, a harbor seal carcass was discovered at the Navy's Silver Strand Training Complex. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
May 18, 2017: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
February 15, 2017
On February 1, 2017, an unidentified pinniped carcass was discovered at the Naval Base Coronado, Breakers Beach. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted high-frequency active sonar and explosives. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
May 18, 2017: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
July 11, 2016
On July 1, 2016, a California sea lion carcass was discovered in the vicinity of Silver Strand South. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
September 9, 2016: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
June 30, 2016
On June 16, 2016, a California sea lion carcass was discovered at Coronado Naval Amphibious Base. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
September 9, 2016: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
April 12, 2016
On March 30, 2016, a seal or California sea lion carcass was discovered at the Naval Base San Diego piers. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted mid-frequency active sonar. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
September 9, 2016: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
March 18, 2016
On March 4, 2016, a dead floating humpback whale was reported offshore Point Loma, CA, which NOAA Fisheries identified as an Uncommon Stranding Event. The Navy verified permitted mid-frequency active sonar use within 72 hours before the stranding and 80 nm of the stranding site. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
September 1, 2016: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
March 16, 2016
On March 10, 2016, two California sea lion carcasses were discovered at Silver Strand Training Complex-North Beach. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
September 9, 2016: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
March 8, 2016
On February 19, 2016, Navy personnel discovered a live, emaciated juvenile California sea lion at Coronado Naval Amphibious Base. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
August 18, 2016: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
December 22, 2015
On December 9, 2015, Navy personnel discovered a dead long-beaked common dolphin at Silver Strand Beach in San Diego, California. The discovery was made shortly after, and in the vicinity of, the Navy's use of permitted high-frequency active sonar. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
June 09, 2016: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 1 page]
November 4, 2015
(Updated November 6, 2015)
On October 21, 2015, two common bottlenose dolphins were found dead at Imperial Beach and at Silver Strand Beach in San Diego, California. The Navy verified brief mid-frequency active sonar use on October 19th and 20th within 80 nm of the stranding sites. NOAA Fisheries conducted a review of the event (see below).
April 21, 2016: NOAA Fisheries' report [pdf, 2 pages]