To learn more about the age, growth, and long-term habitat use patterns of turtles in the eastern Pacific, specifically off the coast of the Baja California peninsula, Mexico, Marine Turtle Ecology and Assessment researchers applied a combination of skeletochronology and stable isotope analysis to the bones collected from dead-stranded turtles. Ongoing international efforts are working to reduce the number of loggerhead interactions with the small-scale fisheries off the coast of BCP, and the use of the samples from the dead animals are helping to inform management and protect future generations of loggerheads.
With more eyes and cellphones on the water we can expand our ability to learn about loggerhead turtles in southern California, and you can help in this effort! If you see a loggerhead or any other species of sea turtle, please report your sighting to Any information you can provide is appreciated. We especially like to receive photos and supporting information such as location (latitude and longitude would be best but any major landmarks are also good), species (if possible), date and time, and behavior.
Select Publications
Allen CD, Lemons GE, Eguchi T, LeRoux RA, Fahy CC, Dutton PH, Peckham SH, Seminoff JA. (2013) Migratory origin of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the southern California bight as inferred by stable isotope analysis and satellite telemetry: implications for fisheries management. Marine Ecology Progress Series 472:275-285.
Eguchi, T , McClatchie S, Wilson C, Benson SR, LeRoux RA, Seminoff JA. (In Review) Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) along the U.S. west coast: Distribution, anomalous warming, and the California drift-gillnet fishery closure. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Halpin LR, Seminoff JA, Hanke GF (2018) First photographic evidence of a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in British Colombia. Northwestern Naturalist.
Turner Tomaszewicz CN, Seminoff JA, Avens L., Goshe LR, Peckham SH, Rguez-Baron JM, Bickerman K, Kurle CM (2015) Age and residency duration of loggerhead turtles at a North Pacific bycatch hotspot using skeletochronology. 186: 134–142.
Turner Tomaszewicz CN, Seminoff JA, Peckham SH, Avens L, Kurle CM (2016) Intrapopulation variability in the timing of ontogenetic habitat shifts in sea turtles revealed using δ15N values from bone growth rings. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12618