Columbia River Basin Salmon and Steelhead Fisheries
Salmon and steelhead fisheries in the Columbia River Basin include those in the lower Columbia River and its tributaries downstream of Bonneville Dam, in the middle and upper Columbia River to the United States / Canadian border, and the Snake River Basin.
Salmon and steelhead fisheries in the Columbia River Basin include those in the lower Columbia River and its tributaries downstream of Bonneville Dam, in the middle and upper Columbia River to the United States / Canadian border, and the Snake River Basin. These fisheries are co-managed by the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, treaty tribes, and other tribes that traditionally fished these waters. These fisheries are not managed under the Magnuson-Stevens Act by NOAA Fisheries or the Pacific Fishery Management Council. However, NOAA Fisheries works with the state and tribal co-managers through the Endangered Species Act.
Fisheries from the mouth of the Columbia River up to Priest Rapids dam on the main stem, and spring fisheries in the mainstem Snake River up to the Washington/Idaho border, are managed by the states and tribes subject to the terms of the 2018–2027 United States v. Oregon Management Agreement. United States v. Oregon establishes tribal harvest allocations and upholds the right of tribes to fish for salmon in their usual and accustomed fishing grounds.
As part of the management in the basin, fisheries in the main stem Columbia River downstream of McNary Dam are managed under the Columbia River Compact, a congressionally ratified compact between Oregon and Washington covering concurrent jurisdiction of Columbia River fisheries.
All fisheries are subject to review by NOAA Fisheries for compliance with the Endangered Species Act.
For more information on mainstem fisheries please contact the Anadromous Harvest Branch of the WCR Sustainable Fisheries Division.
Regulations: Washington | Oregon | Idaho