Compliance Guides for West Coast Groundfish
Compliance guides for commercial fishermen, vessel owners, limited entry permit owners, quota share permit owners, and shore-based and at-sea processors.
These documents serve as Small Entity Compliance Guides, complying with section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996.
West Coast Groundfish
- Compliance Guide: Amendment 33 and the 2025-26 Harvest Specifications and Commercial and Recreational Management Measures (pdf)
- Compliance guide: 2024 Pacific Whiting Harvest Specifications and 2024 Tribal Allocation (pdf)
- Amendment 30 and the 2023-24 Harvest Specifications and Commercial and Recreational Management Measures (pdf)
- Pacific Whiting Utilization in the At-Sea Sectors (pdf)
- Compliance Guide Pacific Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program (updated 2022) (pdf)
- 2023 Pacific Whiting Harvest Specifications and 2023 Tribal Allocation (pdf)
- Salmon Bycatch Minimization Measures 2021 (pdf)
- Amendment 29 and the 2021-22 Harvest Specifications and Commercial and Recreational Management Measures (pdf)
- Vessel Movement, Monitoring, and Declaration Management (pdf)
- 2020 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures for Pacific Whiting, Cowcod, and Shortbelly Rockfish Final Rule (pdf)
- 2019–2020 Biennial Harvest Specifications for Pacific Coast Groundfish (pdf)
- Compliance Guide for Commercial Fisherman off Washington, Oregon, and California under Amendment 28
- Seabird Bycatch Minimization Measures (pdf)
- Streamlined regulations for vessels fishing with groundfish bottom and midwater trawl gear (pdf)
- Revised Compliance Guide for Cost Recovery in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program (pdf)
- Compliance Guide for Ownership Interest Forms and Review of Qualifying Data (pdf)
- Compliance Guide for Observer and Catch Monitor Provider Permitting Process in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery April 2015 (pdf)
- Observer Safety: Compliance Guide for Observer Providers and Vessels in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery April 2015 (pdf)
- Divestiture of Excess Quota Shares: Small Entity Compliance Guide (pdf)
- Small Entity Compliance Guide explaining updated gear regulations in the groundfish fishery including revisions to the chafing (pdf)
- Compliance Guide for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program Program Improvement and Enhancement Rule (PIE) (pdf)
- General Provisions Affecting the Pacific Whiting IFQ Fishery: Small Entity Compliance Guide (pdf)
- Compliance Guide Pacific Coast Groundfish Regulations: Joint Registration, the Limited exemption to the Own-Hold rules, and other measures (pdf)
- Small Entity Compliance Guide Pacific Coast Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat Conservation Area Closures and Gear Prohibitions (pdf)
- Small Entity Compliance Guide for New Regulations Prohibiting Commercial Vessels from Directly Fishing for Unfished Forage Fish (pdf)
- Compliance Guide for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Vessel Monitoring Program
Trawl Catch Share
- Amendment 21-4: Shorebased Trawl Sector Post-season Quota Trading (pdf)
- Compliance Guide for the Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program Covering Program Details (pdf)
- Compliance Guide for the Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program: Changes for 2012 and Beyond (PIE 1 Rule) (pdf)
- Compliance Guide for the Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program: Application Process (pdf)
Commercial, including limited entry and open access
- Amendment 32 Non-Trawl Sector Area (pdf)
- Guide for Participating in the Pacific Coast Groundfish Open Access Fishery Sector (pdf) (updated January 2025)
- Federal Non-Trawl Logbook Requirement for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery (pdf) (updated January 2025)