Enhancement of Survival Permits Authorizing Shasta River Template Safe Harbor Agreement and Associated Site Plans
NOAA Fisheries seeks public comment on proposed permit actions, Template Safe Harbor Agreement, and Site Plans for multiple landowners in the Shasta Valley, Siskiyou County, California.
Recovery of Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast (SONCC) coho salmon fulfills the goals of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and benefits ecosystems, it also provides potential for new or enhanced economic opportunities and social benefits for present and future generations.
Safe Harbor agreements allow private landowners to implement habitat enhancement projects on their land in support of recovery of species protected under the ESA.
The Template Agreement is a great example of federal, state, and private entities coming together to implement actions (instream flow enhancement and increased cold water inputs, riparian fencing and protection, fish passage and instream habitat improvements) identified in the SONCC coho salmon recovery plan in a collaborative approach that will affect positive habitat changes on a watershed scale.
The Template Safe Harbor Agreement and site plans developed by each of the 14 applicants would result in implementation of water efficiency projects, riparian planting and fencing and instream flow dedications for fish and wildlife. Activities will occur on multiple ranches within important reaches for SONCC coho salmon on the Shasta River and its major tributaries.
Comments or requests for a public hearing on the actions proposed in the applications must be received at the appropriate address or fax number (see ADDRESSES) no later than 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on November 14, 2019. (Period for comments will be extended.)
Written comments on the applications should be submitted to the California Coastal Office, NMFS, 1655 Heindon Road, Arcata, CA 95521 707-822-7201. Comments may also be submitted via fax to 707-822-4840, or by email to Shasta.sha@noaa.gov (include the permit numbers in the subject line of the fax or email).
For Further Information
Jim Simondet, Arcata, CA (ph.: 707-822-7201; Fax: 707-825-4840; email: Shasta.sha@noaa.gov.) Permit application are available upon request through the contact information above, or online at https://apps.nmfs.noaa.gov.