Incidental Take Authorization: Hilcorp Alaska LLC Oil and Gas Activities in Cook Inlet, Alaska (2022, 2023)
NOAA Fisheries has issued two incidental harassment authorizations (IHAs) to Hilcorp Alaska LLC to incidentally harass, by Level B harassment only, marine mammals during tugs towing jack-up rig activity in Cook Inlet, Alaska.
Federal Register
Supporting Materials
- Issued Year 1 IHA (pdf, 9 pages)
- Issued Year 2 IHA (pdf, 8 pages)
- Monitoring Report - Year 1 (pdf, 32 pages)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (pdf, 9 pages)
- Environmental Assessment (pdf, 67 pages)
- Biological Opinion
- Application (pdf, 200 pages)
- References (pdf, 12 pages)
- Public Comments (pdf, 34 pages)