Negligible Impact Determinations and MMPA Section 101(a)(5)(E) Authorization for Commercial Fisheries in Alaska and Pacific Islands
NOAA Fisheries issued permits to authorize the incidental, but not intentional, take of specific Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed marine mammal species or stocks under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), in certain U.S. commercial fisheries.
Federal Register
Supporting Materials
- Final MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) Evaluation - Hawaii Deep-set longline fishery
- Final MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) Evaluation- AK Gulf of Alaska sablefish longline fishery
- Final MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) Evaluation - AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands flatfish t…
- Final MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) Evaluation - AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands pollock tr…
- Proposed MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) Evaluation - Hawaii Deep-set longline fishery
- Proposed MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) Evaluation - AK Gulf of Alaska sablefish longline fi…
- Proposed MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) Evaluation - AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands flatfis…
- Proposed MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) Evaluation - AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands pollock…