Snake River Sockeye Salmon Production Program
NOAA Fisheries has completed its consideration of a Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan (HGMP) for sockeye salmon. The HGMP specifies a hatchery program dealing with recovering and restoring the natural population of Snake River sockeye salmon through a captive broodstock program in the Sawtooth Valley of Idaho. The HGMP describes the program in detail, including monitoring and evaluation to assess performance in meeting conservation and supplementation objectives and their effects on ESA-listed sockeye salmon.
The hatchery program is intended to:
- Supplement or support local natural salmon populations.
- Mitigate for fish losses caused by the construction and operation of the four dams on the Lower Snake River, and effects of climate change on their natural habitat.
This hatchery program is currently in operation in the Snake River Basin, and NOAA Fisheries is reissuing section 10(a)(1)(A) determination for the sockeye salmon hatchery programs spawning, rearing, and releasing salmon in the Snake River Basin.
The hatchery program continues to take Endangered Species Act-listed adult and juvenile sockeye salmon annually and is consistent with NOAA Fisheries’ Recovery Plans.