Background Information
Congress authorized (Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005 Section 209 of Title II of Division B of Pub. L. 108–447 as amended) up to a $23,476,500 loan to finance a fishing capacity reduction program in the Southeast Alaska purse seine salmon fishery. The Southeast Alaska purse seine salmon fishery is a commercial fishery in Alaska state waters and adjacent Federal waters. It encompasses the commercial taking of salmon with purse seine gear, and participation is limited to fishermen designated by the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission.
NOAA published proposed program regulations on May 23, 2011 (76 FR 29707), and final program regulations on October 6, 2011 (76 FR 61986), to implement the reduction program. Subsequently, the Southeast Revitalization Association submitted a capacity reduction plan approved by NOAA Fisheries on February 24, 2012. NOAA Fisheries conducted a referendum to determine the industry’s willingness to repay a $13,133,030 fishing capacity reduction loan to remove 64 permits. NOAA Fisheries received 269 timely and valid votes of which 215 approved the fees. This exceeded the majority of permit holders (190) required for industry fee system approval.
The initial fee rate necessary to repay the loan was established at the maximum of 3 percent of landed value when fee collection began July 22, 2012. NOAA Fisheries determined this rate was generating more than necessary to amortize the 40-year loan thus reduced the fee rate to 1.5 percent effective June 1, 2013 and to 1 percent effective June 1, 2015. The interest rate is fixed at 4.57 percent.
On December 3, 2018, NOAA Fisheries published a final rule to implement a second fishing capacity reduction program and an industry fee system to repay a $10.1 million loan to remove 36 permits within the Southeastern Alaska Purse Seine Salmon fishery. From February 4, 2019 through March 6, 2019, NOAA Fisheries conducted a referendum in which a majority of the fisheries 315 permit holders voted to approve a $10,127,988 loan to remove 36 permits, which post reduction harvesters will repay in fees over a 40 year period. The interest rate is fixed at 4.86 percent. Fee collection on this second loan began June 1, 2019 with an initial fee rate of 1 percent of the landed value and any subsequent bonus payments. NOAA Fisheries determined that the previous season's rate was generating more than necessary to amortize the 40-year loan and decreased the fee rate to 1.0 percent effective June 1, 2023.
Southeast Alaska purse seine salmon Buyback Loan Fees are due by the 15th day of the month after the month in which landings occurred. Buyback fees received after that date are subject to a 1.5 percent per month late charge fee.
Please see the links below for more information and visit to submit fee collection payments.
- Southeast Alaska Purse Seine Salmon Fee Collection Report - Expires 02/28/2025
- Southeast Alaska Purse Seine Salmon Buyback 2024 Annual Report
- Southeast Alaska Purse Seine Salmon Buyback 2023 Annual Report
- Second Referendum Approval Letter - 03/13/19
- Fee Collection System Letter - 07/16/12
- Processor Fee Collection Letter - 05/23/12
- Referendum Approval Letter - 05/07/12
- Ballot Transmittal Letter - 03/30/12
Regulations & Notices
William Fritz
Phone: (301) 427-8078
Financial Services Division (F/MB5)
Office of Management and Budget
NOAA Fisheries
1315 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910