Electronic Monitoring in Alaska
A number of electronic monitoring (EM) technologies have been applied to fisheries monitoring. Within the North Pacific, video technology is used for estimating catch and discard for fisheries management and monitoring for compliance with regulations.
Electronic Monitoring (EM) for Trawl Catcher Vessels and Tenders
In 2024, NOAA Fisheries developed regulations to implement an EM program for pelagic trawl pollock catcher vessels and tender vessels delivering to shoreside processors in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and the Gulf of Alaska.
Participation in the trawl EM category is voluntary, and a vessel owner or operator must opt into the category on an annual basis.
The trawl EM category utilizes EM systems to monitor whether discards at sea occur. This EM video footage is reviewed to verify vessel discard estimates. Observers stationed at shoreside processors sample the catch to collect data that was previously collected by at-sea observers.
In addition to the observers stationed at the shoreside processors, Catch Monitoring Control Plans and Vessel Monitoring Plans (VMPs) are used to determine and achieve the sampling objectives NMFS outlined in the Annual Deployment Plan. The onboard EM systems ensure that vessels meet compliance objectives while also establishing a chain of custody for prohibited species catch.
- Trawl EM Common Questions
- Flyer: Video Monitoring for Compliance on Catcher Processor Vessels and Electronic Monitoring on Small Fixed Gear Vessels (PDF, 1 page)
- Trawl EM Category VMP (2025)
- Trawl EM Category Tender VMP (2025)
- GOA Trawl Incentive Plan Agreement (2025)
- GOA TEM IPA Approval (2025)
- List of Approved Trawl EM Category Vessels
- List of EM Systems Approved for Use in the North Pacific
Electronic Monitoring (EM) for Small Fixed Gear Vessels

In 2018 NOAA Fisheries developed regulations to allow small fixed gear vessels in partial coverage to opt into the EM selection pool for the calendar year rather than carrying an observer. The data collected from this coverage is used to obtain catch and discard information from these vessels. More information can be found in final rule to integrate electronic monitoring into the North Pacific Observer Program.
- Vessel Monitoring Plan template for vessels in fixed-gear EM selection pool (PDF, 18 pages)
- Longline EM effort logbook (PDF, 1 page)
- Pot EM effort logbook (PDF, 1 page)
- 2018 EM system specifications (PDF, 3 pages)
- Observer Deploy and Declare System (ODDS)
- FAQs for Electronic Monitoring (EM) on Small Fixed Gear Vessels
- Step by Step Guide to Participate in EM on a Small Fixed Gear Vessel (PDF, 1 page)
- Flyer: Video Monitoring for Compliance on Catcher Processor Vessels and Electronic Monitoring on Small Fixed Gear Vessels (PDF, 1 page)
* This program information constitutes the Small Entity Compliance Guide required under section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996.
Video Monitoring Programs for Compliance Monitoring

Electronic Monitoring is currently being used as a compliance monitoring tool on large catcher/processor vessels that participate in several catch share programs in Alaska.
- Amendment 80 and the Central Gulf of Alaska Rockfish Program allow catcher processors to select a monitoring option, one of which includes the use of video, to ensure that the observer is able to determine that no sorting has occurred prior to the collection of a species composition sample.
- Chinook Salmon Bycatch Management measures for AFA catcher processors required the use of video to ensure that all salmon are sorted and stored according to the regulatory requirements.
- EM is used by the BSAI Freezer longline fleet to ensure that all Pacific cod and only Pacific cod pass over the motion compensated flow scale.
- EM is used to verify compliance with motion compensated flow scale requirements.
- Flyer: Video Monitoring for Compliance on Catcher Processor Vessels and Electronic Monitoring on Small Fixed Gear Vessels (PDF, 1 page)
For more information about EM as a compliance monitoring tool, please see the Inspections tab within Catch Weighing and Monitoring.
EM Implementation and Policy Guidance
NOAA Fisheries, working with the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, has developed two guiding documents regarding Electronic Monitoring and Electronic Reporting (EM/ER):
- Strategic Plan for Electronic Monitoring and Electronic Reporting in the North Pacific
- Electronic Monitoring and Electronic Reporting Implementation Plan
NOAA Fisheries works with the Council's EM Workgroup to integrate EM tools for catch estimation.
Additional Information
- North Pacific Observer Program
- North Pacific Observer Program Federal Register Rules and Notices
- North Pacific Observer Program FMP Amendments - Rules and Notices
- Catch Weighing and Monitoring
- Monitoring and Reporting in Alaska
- Chinook Salmon Bycatch
- Federal Fisheries in Alaska
Video for Compliance Monitoring and general Electronic Monitoring questions:
Vessel Owner Electronic Monitoring Selection Pool questions:
Vessel Monitoring Plan questions: