NOAA Fisheries has taken inseason action in the commercial salmon fisheries north of Cape Falcon.
- Effective Thursday, August 17, 2023, at 12:01 a.m., through Saturday, September 30, 2023, at 11:59 p.m, the commercial salmon troll fishery in the area between the U.S./Canada border and Cape Falcon is open, with landing and possession limits of 7 Chinook salmon and 100 adipose marked coho salmon per vessel per landing week (Thursday-Wednesday).
All preseason regulations remain in place.
Vessels must land and deliver their salmon within 24 hours of any closure of this fishery.
Vessels may not land fish east of the Sekiu River or east of Tongue Point, Oregon.
Vessels fishing or in possession of salmon north of Leadbetter Point must land and deliver all species of fish in a WA port and must possess a WA troll and/or salmon delivery license. For delivery to WA ports south of Leadbetter Point, vessels must notify the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) at 360-249-1215 prior to crossing the Leadbetter Point line with the area fished, total Chinook salmon, coho salmon, halibut catch aboard, and destination with the approximate time of delivery. During any single trip, only one side of the Leadbetter Point line may be fished.
Vessels fishing or in possession of salmon while fishing south of Leadbetter Point must land and deliver all species of fish within the area and south of Leadbetter Point, except that OR permitted vessels may also land all species of fish in Garibaldi, OR. All Chinook salmon caught north of Cape Falcon and being delivered by boat to Garibaldi must meet the minimum legal total length of 28 inches for Chinook salmon for south of Cape Falcon seasons unless the season in waters off Garibaldi have been closed for Chinook salmon retention for more than 48 hours.
Under state law, vessels must report their catch on a state fish receiving ticket. Oregon State regulations require all fishers landing salmon into OR from any fishery between Leadbetter Point, WA, and Cape Falcon to notify Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to The notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
Vessels in possession of salmon north of the Queets River may not cross the Queets River line without first notifying WDFW at 360-249-1215 with the area fished, total Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and halibut catch aboard, and destination. Vessels in possession of salmon south of the Queets River may not cross the Queets River line without first notifying WDFW at 360-249-1215 with the area fished, total Chinook salmon, coho salmon, halibut catch aboard, and destination.
Please refer to the Final Rule for the West Coast Salmon Fisheries 2023 Specifications and Management Measures for additional regulations and supporting materials.
For more information, contact
Shannon Penna, NMFS Anadromous Harvest Management, at Phone: (562) 980-4239 Email:, or Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Fish Program at Phone: (360) 902-2700 Email:
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