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ACLIM Publications

Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling project's publications


  1. (in review) Torre, M. , W. T. Stockhausen, A. J. Hermann, W. Cheng, R. Foy, C. Stawitz, K. Holsman, C. Szuwalski, A. B. Hollowed. (In Review). Early life stage connectivity for snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, in the eastern Bering Sea: evaluating the effects of temperature-dependent intermolt duration and vertical migration. Deep Sea Research II
  2. (2021) Whitehouse, G. A., K. Y. Aydin, A. B. Hollowed, K. K. Holsman, W Cheng, A. Faig, A. C. Haynie, A. J. Hermann, K. A. Kearney, A. E. Punt, and T. E. Essington. Bottom-up impacts of forecasted climate change on the eastern Bering Sea food web. Frontiers in Mar. Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.624301
  3. (2020) Holsman, K.K., A. Haynie, A. Hollowed, J. Reum, K. Aydin, A. Hermann, W. Cheng, A. Faig, J. Ianelli, K. Kearney, A. Punt. (2020) Ecosystem-based fisheries management forestalls climate-driven collapse. Nature Communications. DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-18300-3 
  4. (2021) Thorson, J. M. Arimitsu, L. Barnett, W. Cheng, L. Eisner, A. Haynie, A. Hermann, K. Holsman, D. Kimmel, M. Lomas, J. Richar, E. Siddon. Forecasting community reassembly using climate-linked spatio-temporal ecosystem models. Ecosphere  44: 1–14, DOI:10.1111/ecog.05471
  5. (2020) C. Szuwalski, W. Cheng, R. Foy, A. Hermann, A. Hollowed, K. Holsman, J. Lee, W. Stockhausen, J. Zheng. Climate change and the future productivity and distribution of crab in the Bering Sea. ICES JMS fsaa140, DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa140
  6. (2020) Reum, J. C. P., J. L. Blanchard, K. K. Holsman, K. Aydin, A. B. Hollowed, A. J. Hermann, W. Cheng, A. Faig, A. C. Haynie, and A. E. Punt. 2020. Ensemble Projections of Future Climate Change Impacts on the Eastern Bering Sea Food Web Using a Multispecies Size Spectrum Model. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:1–17.
  7. (2020) Hollowed, A. B., K. K. Holsman, A. C. Haynie, A. J. Hermann, A. E. Punt, K. Aydin, J. N. Ianelli, S. Kasperski, W. Cheng, A. Faig, K. A. Kearney, J. C. P. Reum, P. Spencer, I. Spies, W. Stockhausen, C. S. Szuwalski, G. A. Whitehouse, and T. K. Wilderbuer. 2020. Integrated Modeling to Evaluate Climate Change Impacts on Coupled Social-Ecological Systems in Alaska. Frontiers in Marine Science 6.  DOI:10.3389/fmars.2019.00775
  8. (2019) Holsman, KK, EL Hazen, A Haynie, S Gourguet, A Hollowed, S Bograd, JF Samhouri, K Aydin, Toward climate-resiliency in fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz031
  9. (2019) Hermann, A. J., G.A. Gibson, W. Cheng, I. Ortiz1, K. Aydin, M. Wang, A. B. Hollowed, and K. K. Holsman. Projected biophysical conditions of the Bering Sea to 2100 under multiple emission scenarios. ICES Journal of Marine Science, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsz043 
  10. (2019) Reum, J., JL Blanchard, KK Holsman, K Aydin, AE Punt. Species-specific ontogenetic diet shifts attenuate trophic cascades and lengthen food chains in exploited ecosystems. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05630
  11. (2019) Reum, J., K. Holsman, KK, Aydin, J. Blanchard, S. Jennings. Energetically relevant predator to prey body mass ratios and their relationship with predator body size. Ecology and Evolution (9):201–211 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4715v
  12. (submitted) Hollowed et al. (submitted) Selecting climate linked decision relevant and adaptation informing community level scenarios for ecosystems through constituent engagement : A case study for the eastern Bering Sea. ICES JMS
  13. (in review) Punt et al. ­Capturing Uncertainty when Modelling Environmental Drivers of Fish Populations, with an Illustrative Application to Pacific Cod in the Eastern Bering Sea. Fisheries Research
  14. (in press) Hermann et al. Applications of biophysical modeling to Pacific high-latitude ecosystems. Oceanography
  15. (in press) Szuwalski, C.S. et al. The collapse of eastern Bering Sea snow crab. Science.
  16. (2023) Olmos, M., et al., Punt, A.E., Szuwalski, C.S. A step towards the integration of spatial dynamics in population dynamics models: Eastern Bering sea snow crab as a case study. Ecological Modelling 485: 110484.
  17. (2023) Szuwalski et al., Unintended consequences of climate-adaptive fisheries management targets. Fish and Fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12737
  18. (2022) Pilcher, D.J.,  J.N. Cross, A. Hermann, K. Kearney, W. Cheng, J.T. Mathis. Dynamically downscaled projections of ocean acidification for the Bering Sea, Deep-Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 198, 105055
  19. (2022) Hollowed, A. B., A. C. Haynie, A. J. Hermann, K. K. Holsman, A. E. Punt, C. S. Szuwalski. Implications of climate change on the Bering Sea and other cold water systems. Introduction to the special issue of Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.
  20. Punt, A.E., et al., Szuwalski, C.S. 2022. A framework for assessing harvest strategy choice when considering multiple interacting fisheries and a changing environment: The example of eastern Bering Sea crab stocks. Fisheries Research. 252: 106338.
  21. (2022) Szuwalski, C.S.. Estimating time-variation in confounded processes in population dynamics modeling: a case study for snow crab in the eastern Bering Sea. Fisheries Research. 251: 106298.
  22. (2021) Hermann, A. J., Kearney, K., Cheng, W., Pilcher, D., Aydin, K., Holsman, K. K., & Hollowed, A. B.. Coupled modes of projected regional change in the Bering Sea from a dynamically downscaling model under CMIP6 forcing. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 194 (Dec), 104974. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2021.104974
  23. (2021) Cheng, W., Hermann, A. J., Hollowed, A. B., Holsman, K. K., Kearney, K. A., Pilcher, D. J., Stock, C. A., & Aydin, K. Y.. Eastern Bering Sea shelf environmental and lower trophic level responses to climate forcing: Results of dynamical downscaling from CMIP6. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 193, 104975. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2021.104975
  24. (in revision) Torre, M. , W. T. Stockhausen, A. J. Hermann, W. Cheng, R. Foy, C. Stawitz, K. Holsman, C. Szuwalski, A. B. Hollowed. (In Review). Early life stage connectivity for snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, in the eastern Bering Sea: evaluating the effects of temperature-dependent intermolt duration and vertical migration. Deep Sea Research II.
  25. (2021) Punt, A., M G Dalton, W Cheng, A Hermann, K Holsman, T Hurst, J Ianelli, K Kearney, C McGilliard, D Pilcher, M Véron. Evaluating the impact of climate and demographic variation on future prospects for fish stocks: An application for northern rock sole in Alaska. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 189–190:104951.
  26. (2021) Whitehouse, G. A., K. Y. Aydin, A. B. Hollowed, K. K. Holsman, W Cheng, A. Faig, A. C. Haynie, A. J. Hermann, K. A. Kearney, A. E. Punt, and T. E. Essington. Bottom-up impacts of forecasted climate change on the eastern Bering Sea food web.  Front. Mar. Sci., 03 February 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.624301
  27. (2020) Holsman, K.K., A. Haynie, A. Hollowed, J. Reum, K. Aydin, A. Hermann, W. Cheng, A. Faig, J. Ianelli, K. Kearney, A. Punt. (2020) Ecosystem-based fisheries management forestalls climate-driven collapse. Nature Communications. DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-18300-3
  28. (2021) Thorson, J., M. Arimitsu, L. Barnett, W. Cheng, L. Eisner, A. Haynie, A. Hermann, K. Holsman, D. Kimmel, M. Lomas, J. Richar, E. Siddon. Forecasting community reassembly using climate-linked spatio-temporal ecosystem models. Ecosphere 44: 1–14, doi: 10.1111/ecog.05471
  29. (2020) Szuwalski, W. Cheng, R. Foy, A. Hermann, A. Hollowed, K. Holsman, J. Lee, W. Stockhausen, J. Zheng. Climate change and the future productivity and distribution of crab in the Bering Sea.  ICES J. Mar. Sci fsaa140, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa140
  30. (2020) Reum, J. C. P., J. L. Blanchard, K. K. Holsman, K. Aydin, A. B. Hollowed, A. J. Hermann, W. Cheng, A. Faig, A. C. Haynie, and A. E. Punt. 2020. Ensemble Projections of Future Climate Change Impacts on the Eastern Bering Sea Food Web Using a Multispecies Size Spectrum Model. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:1–17.
  31. (2020) Hollowed, A. B., K. K. Holsman, A. C. Haynie, A. J. Hermann, A. E. Punt, K. Aydin, J. N. Ianelli, S. Kasperski, W. Cheng, A. Faig, K. A. Kearney, J. C. P. Reum, P. Spencer, I. Spies, W. Stockhausen, C. S. Szuwalski, G. A. Whitehouse, and T. K. Wilderbuer. 2020. Integrated Modeling to Evaluate Climate Change Impacts on Coupled Social-Ecological Systems in Alaska. Frontiers in Marine Science 6.  https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00775
  32. (2019) Holsman, KK, EL Hazen, A Haynie, S Gourguet, A Hollowed, S Bograd, JF Samhouri, K Aydin, Toward climate-resiliency in fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 10.1093/icesjms/fsz031
  33. (2019) Hermann, A. J., G.A. Gibson, W. Cheng, I. Ortiz1, K. Aydin, M. Wang, A. B. Hollowed, and K. K. Holsman. Projected biophysical conditions of the Bering Sea to 2100 under multiple emission scenarios. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz043, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz043
  34. (2019) Reum, J., JL Blanchard, KK Holsman, K Aydin, AE Punt. Species-specific ontogenetic diet shifts attenuate trophic cascades and lengthen food chains in exploited ecosystems. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.05630
  35. (2019) Reum, J., K. Holsman, KK, Aydin, J. Blanchard, S. Jennings. Energetically relevant predator to prey body mass ratios and their relationship with predator body size. Ecology and Evolution (9):201–211 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4715