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May 2021 Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Meeting

This is a virtual meeting of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee (MAFAC), which advises NOAA and the Department of Commerce on living marine resource issues.


This meeting is accessible to the public via webinar and teleconference.  Please use the following information to access today's meeting:


Attendee (Listen Only) Dial In Number: 888-324-6110
Attendee (Listen Only) Passcode: 9337029


Meeting Link: https://noaanmfs-meets.webex.com/noaanmfs-meets/onstage/g.php?MTID=eeb961eb3aa65c880bdeba5174d33ed9c

Meeting number: 199 527 2261
Password: noaa

12:00 -12:10


Welcome, Roll Call, & Agenda Review

Erika Feller, MAFAC Chair

Jennifer Lukens, Director, Office of Policy

12:10 -1:25


Report from the Assistant Administrator

  • Leadership update (8 min)
    • Transition & Administration priorities
    • Secretary, Under Secretary, and other appointees and nominations
    • MAFAC transition report and offshore wind comments.
  • Executive Orders with implications on NOAA activities (20 min)
  • Questions/Discussion with MAFAC (40 min)

Presentation on Executive Orders (PDF, 6 pages)

Presentation on Report, Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful (PDF, 11 pages)

Report: Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful, 2021 (PDF, 24 pages)

Paul Doremus, PhD. Acting Assistant Administrator for Fisheries

Sam Rauch, Deputy Directors for Regulatory Actions

Letise LaFeir, PhD
Senior Advisor, Office of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, NOAA


1:25 – 1:50




1:50 –4:50


Building a Resilient Seafood and Fisheries Sector

Presentation and discussion on NOAA areas of focus that support building seafood and fishing resilience

Annotated Agenda (PDF, 4 pages)



  1. Overview and Introduction

Jennifer Lukens, Director, Office of Policy

1:55 – 2:15


  1. Seafood Marketing
  • Update on assessment of MAFAC’s recommendation for a National Seafood Council

Paul Doremus, PhD.

Michael Rubino, PhD. Senior Advisor for Seafood Strategy

2:15 - 2:35


  • Overview of the NOAA efforts to elevate communications on seafood topics

Presentation (PDF, 10 pages)

Laura Diederick,  External Affairs Lead, Office of Communications

Kate Naughten, Director, Office of Communications

2:35 - 2:45


  1. Aquaculture Update
  • Aquaculture Opportunity Areas – Approach and status update

Presentation (PDF, 14 pages)

Kristine Cherry, Chief, Regulatory and Policy Branch, NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture

2:45 – 3:05


  1. Workforce Development
  • Work of the Aquaculture Economic Development Task Force (EDTF)
  • Inventory of educational programs
  • Developing strategies for workforce development in support of EDTF efforts

Presentation (PDF, 8 pages)

David O’Brien, Acting Director, Office of Aquaculture

3:05 - 3:15




3:15 - 3:35


  • Sea Grant Programs
  • History of programs that support workforce development and working waterfronts
  • New engagement to support the Young Fisherman’s Development Act
  • Potential avenues to support workforce development of seafood industries

Presentation (PDF, 10 pages)

Nikola Garber, PhD, Deputy Director, National Sea Grant College Program


3:35 – 4:10


  1. Fishing Communities and Resilience

Social indicators developed to characterize community well-being for coastal communities working waterfronts engaged in fishing activities.

Overview will describe:

  • Indicators on fishing engagement and reliance, environmental justice, climate change, economic, and gentrification
  • Assessments and reports that use the indicators

Presentation (PDF, 20 pages)


Lisa Colburn, PhD, Social Scientist, Northeast Fisheries Science Center

Michael Jepson, PhD,  Social Science Branch Chief, Southeast Regional Office


4:10 - 4:50


MAFAC Discussion

Erika Feller, MAFAC Chair

4:50 – 4:55


Public Comment


4:55 – 5:00


Recap & Overview of Wednesday’s sessions

Erika Feller, MAFAC Chair

Jennifer Lukens, Director, Office of Policy

5:00 PM





This meeting is accessible to the public via webinar and teleconference.  Please use the following information to access today's meeting:


Attendee (Listen Only) Dial In Number: 888-324-6110
Attendee (Listen Only) Passcode: 9337029


Meeting Link:https://noaanmfs-meets.webex.com/noaanmfs-meets/onstage/g.php?MTID=e3c0518b7f9ba84bd46b5df5811613a04

Meeting number: 199 152 3815
Password: noaa


12:30 - 1:15



NOAA Fisheries Budget Outlook & Administrative Update –


  • FY2021 and COVID- 19 impacts
  • FY2022 planning
  • Expectations on returning to the official workplace and related changes to workforce management practices

Presentation (PDF, 16 pages)

Brian Pawlak, Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for Operations

1:15 -1:35


Reports from the State Directors Meeting and Fisheries Commissions – Informational

  • Distribution of CARES Act funding
  • Outlook for year ahead

Bob Beal, Executive Director, Atlantic States

David Donaldson, Executive Director, Gulf States

Randy Fisher, Executive Director, Pacific States

1:35 – 1:40




1:40 -2:50


Science Update – Informational

  • Introduction of Evan Howell and ST priorities (10 min)



  • Offshore wind topics (60 min)
    • Status of efforts to address science needs and scientific surveys
    • Scientific understanding to address trust resources

Annotated Agenda (PDF, 1 page)

Presentation (PDF, 42 pages)

Evan Howell, PhD, Director, Office of Science and Technology


Cisco Werner, PhD, Director, Scientific Programs and Chief Science Advisor

Sam Rauch, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs

Andrew Lipsky, Fisheries & Offshore Wind Lead

2:50 – 3:20




3:20 -3:50





3:50 – 4:00








Recreational Fisheries Activities and Updates – Informational

  • Expanding engagement activities and opportunities.
  • Progress on implementation of the Modern Fish Act.
  • Planning next Recreational Fisheries Summit.

Annotated Agenda (PDF, 1 page)

Presentation (PDF, 10 pages)

Progress of the Recreational Electronic Reporting Task Force


Presentation (PDF, 4 pages)

Russ Dunn, Senior Recreational Fisheries Advisory





Patrick Sullivan, PhD, Liaison to Task Force

Kellie Ralston, Liaison to Task Force

4:00  – 4:45


Protected Resources – New Topic

  • Opportunity to develop criteria, metrics, and priorities for evaluating the effectiveness of deterrents on marine mammals.

Annotated Agenda (PDF, 1 page)

Presentation (PDF, 16 pages)

Discussion by MAFAC

Catherine Marzin, Acting Director, Office of Protected Resources

Kristy Long, Office of Protected Resources

4:45 – 5:00


Close Out: Review of Subcommittee Sessions on Thursday, Action Items, Next Steps, Next Meeting

Erika Feller, Chair

Jennifer Lukens, Director, Office of Policy

5:00 pm



This meeting is accessible to the public via webinar and teleconference.  Please use the following information to access today's meeting:


Attendee (Listen Only) Dial In Number: 888-324-6110
Attendee (Listen Only) Passcode: 9337029


Meeting Link: https://noaanmfs-meets.webex.com/noaanmfs-meets/onstage/g.php?MTID=ebd29a3e49db8d5980ee5738a4bfe38bf

Meeting number: 199 801 0641
Password: noaa

SUBCOMMITTEE OR WORKING GROUP SESSIONS -  open to all members, staff, and the public.

12:30 -2:00


Building a Resilient Seafood and Fisheries Sector

Commerce & Recreational Fisheries Subcommittee (or new Working Group) Leads:  TBD

2:00 – 2:15




2:15 –3:15


Effectiveness of deterrents on marine mammals

Protected Resources Subcommittee (Sara McDonald)

3:15 -3:20




3:20 – 4:20


2022 Recreational Fisheries Summit:  Discuss potential topics and outcomes.

Recreational Fisheries Subcommittee (Donna Kalez)

Last updated by Office of Policy on 05/26/2021