Exempted Fishing Permits in Alaska
An exempted fishing permit is a permit issued by the Alaska Region to allow fishing activities that would otherwise be prohibited under federal regulations. These permits are issued for limited experimental purposes to support certain projects.
Electronic Monitoring - Fixed Gear
- EFP for the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association (AFLA) to evaluate integrating electronic monitoring on fixed gear vessels with the North Pacific Research Program
- Application, November 2013
- NMFS' comment letter, November 2013
- ALFA's response letter, November 2013
Electronic Monitoring - Rockfish
- EFP 2008-01: Continued Assessment of an Electronic Monitoring System for Quantifying At-sea Halibut Discards in the Central Gulf of Alaska Rockfish Fishery
- Final Report, September 2009
- Permit, April 2008
- Application, March 2008
- EFP 2007-02 Testing the Use of Electronic Monitoring to Quantify At-sea Halibut Discards in the Central Gulf of Alaska Rockfish Fishery
- Final Report, May 2008
- Environmental Assessment, May 2007
- Application, April 2007
Electronic Monitoring - Trawl Catcher Vessels
- Implementing Electronic Monitoring Systems in the Eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska Pollock Pelagic Trawl Catcher Vessel Fisheries
- Permit (modified), January 2023
- Permit (modified), January 2022
- Interim Report, June 2021
- Permit (modified), January 2021
- Permit, January 6, 2020
- Application, September 9, 2019
Electronic Monitoring - Logbooks
- EFP 2024-01: Examining the Use of Electronic Logbook (ELB) Requirements Without Requiring Duplicate Hard Copies
- Application, October 2023
Halibut Bycatch
- EFP 2018-02 to collect halibut tissue from incidentally caught halibut in the western Aleutians Pacific cod hook and line fishery to inform halibut stock
- Application, August 31, 2017
- Permit, January 12, 2018
- EFP 2018-01: Halibut deck sorting experiment to reduce halibut mortality on BSAI and GOA non-pollock trawl catcher processors
- Final 2018-2019 Report, April 2020
- Permit (modified), November 2019
- Permit (modified), December 2018
- Application, August 2017
- Permit, December 2017
- EFP 2016-01: Halibut deck sorting experiment to reduce halibut mortality on BSAI non-pollock trawl catcher processors
- Final 2017 Report, March 2018
- Renewal Permit, February 2017
- Renewal Application, January 2017
- Modified Permit, January 2017
- 2016 Interim Report, December 2016
- Permit, May 2016
- Application, December 2015
- EFP 2015-02: Halibut deck sorting experiment to reduce halibut mortality on Amendment 80 Catcher processors
- Final Report, January 2016
- Permit, March 2015
- Application, January 2015
- EFP 2012-1 to evaluate how various fishing and handling practices affect halibut mortality
- Final Report on EFP 2012-01: Halibut deck sorting experiment to reduce halibut mortality on Amendment 80 Catcher Processors, December 2013
- Application, October 2011
- Final Report for EFP 2009-01 on a Halibut Bycatch Discard Survival Experiment for a Bering Sea, Non-pelagic Trawl Fishery North Pacific Fisheries Foundation, January 2011
- Final Report for EFP 2009-02 to study methods for reducing halibut discard mortality in trawl fisheries by evaluating various fishing and handling practices, October 2010
- Final Report for EFP 08-01 to continue assessment of an electronic monitoring system for quantifying at-sea halibut discards in the Central Gulf of Alaska rockfish fishery, September 2009
- Final Report for an EFP 2007-02 to test the use of electronic monitoring to quantify at-sea halibut discards in the Central Gulf of Alaska rockfish fishery, May 2008
Halibut Excluder
- EFP 2020-01 to evaluate the effectiveness of a halibut excluder in the Amendment 80 flatfish fishery
- Extended Permit, November 2022
- Permit, April 2021
- Application, June 2020
- EFP 2006-03 to evaluate the effectiveness of a halibut excluder for the GOA trawl cod fishery
- Final Report, May 2008
- Environmental Assessment, July 2006
- Application, May 2006
Pacific Ocean Perch Bycatch
- EFP 2019-02 to test methods to minimize bycatch of Pacific ocean perch in the Aleutian Islands pollock fishery.
- Report, November 2020
- Permit, February 2019
- Application, November 2018
Pelagic Gear
- EFP 2024-02: Testing modifications to the footrope of pelagic trawl gear in the Bering Sea pollock fishery.
- EFP Vessels, January 2025
- Permit, December 2024
- Application, September 2024
Pollock Survey
- EFP 2007-01 to improve Aleutian Islands pollock stock assessment, conservation, and management
- Modified Permit, April 2007
- Permit, December 2006
- Application, August 2006
- Environmental Assessment, January 2006
Salmon Bycatch
- EFP # 2018-03 to continue research on Chinook salmon bycatch reduction devices in the Bering Sea pollock Fishery
- Renewal, January 15, 2021
- Permit, January 25, 2018
- Application, August 15, 2017
- EFP 2015-1 to continue research on salmon bycatch reduction devices in the Eastern Bering Sea pollock Fishery
- Final Report, December 2016
- Permit, December 2014
- Final Environmental Assessment, December 2014
- Application, December 2013
- EFP 2013-1 for the Purpose of Testing a Salmon Excluder Device in the Central Gulf of Alaska Pollock Fishery
- Final Report, March 2015
- Permit, March 2013
- FONSI, February 2013
- Application, October 2012
- EFP 2011-1 to continue research on salmon bycatch reduction devices with a focus on chum salmon bycatch reduction and one field season to improve to Chinook salmon escapement rates
- Final Report, June 2013
- Permit, August 2011
- BSAI Environmental Assessment, 2012
- GOA Environmental Assessment, 2012
- BSAI Environmental Assessment, 2011
- Application, November 2010
- EFP 2008-02 to explore the potential for flapper-style salmon excluders for the Bering Sea pollock fishery.
- Final Report, September 2010
- Application, January 2008
- EFP 2007-02A to evaluate the effectiveness of a "voluntary rolling hot spot" salmon bycatch management system
- Final Report, February 2008
- Application, October 2006
- EFP 2003-01 to test a salmon excluder device for the Bering Sea pollock fishery
- Final Report, May 2004
- Application, March 2003
- Application Support Document, March 2003
Red King Crab Bycatch
- EFP to retain red king crab bycatch on board for periods of no more than 72 hours during the 2019 Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands flatfish fisheries "A" season.
- Final Report, May 2021
- Application, September 2018
- Permit, January 2019