State of the Ecosystem Reports
The State of the Ecosystem reports provide the current status of the Northeast Shelf marine ecosystems (Georges Bank, Gulf of Maine, and the Mid-Atlantic Bight). They are developed for the New England and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils. These annual, collaboratively produced reports inform the councils about ecological, oceanographic, and socioeconomic aspects of the ecosystem—from fishing engagement to climate conditions.
View the complete 2024 Mid-Atlantic report (PDF, 46pgs)
View the complete 2024 New England report (PDF, 55p)
View the technical documentation.
2023 Highlights
Multiple anomalous conditions and extreme events were observed in 2023 that could have brief local effects and/ or widespread long-term ecosystem, fishery, and management implications. Anomalous events describe unusual or remarkable observations and can lead to increased uncertainty and unpredictable management outcomes.
Sea Surface Temperature
2023 global and North Atlantic sea surface temperatures were the warmest on record. However, Northeast U.S. shelf temperatures were more variable, with near record highs in winter and near average in other seasons.
El Niño Conditions
The 2020–2022 La Niña conditions ended in late winter and shifted to strong El Niño conditions in late spring 2023. The current El Niño is expected to gradually weaken and transition to neutral conditions in spring 2024.
Report Format
The Northeast U.S. Shelf is one of the most productive marine ecosystems in the world. The ecosystem is changing and these changes are affecting the ecosystem services it provides. These reports synthesize ecosystem information to better meet fishery management objectives. The reports are organized into three sections:
- Performance measured against ecosystem-level management objectives
- Potential risks to meeting fishery management objectives such as climate change and other ocean uses, such as offshore wind development
- Highlights of current and recent observations
Additional information on the indicators and data used in the report can be found in the online indicator catalog, and methods and meta data are available in the technical documentation.
Characterizing Ecosystem Change for Fishery Management
We use three overarching concepts in the report, all of which influence the structure and function of this complex ecosystem:
- Multiple system drivers
- Regime shifts
- Ecosystem reorganization
Physical, chemical, biological, and human factors comprise the multiple system drivers that influence each component of the ecosystem and the services it provides. Changes in those drivers can lead to regime shifts—large, abrupt, and persistent changes in the structure and function of an ecosystem. Regime shifts and changes in how the multiple system drivers interact can result in ecosystem reorganization, as species and humans respond and adapt to the new environment.
We are working to better characterize ecosystem changes and identify the early warning signs of future changes to understand the implications and improve management advice.
Multiple Ecosystem Drivers
Multiple competing factors cause change in an ecosystem. Numerous environmental drivers influence the quality and distribution of habitat in the ocean, which affects the amount and diversity of fish in the system. These environmental drivers, combined with social and economic drivers, influence the range of fishing opportunities and the seafood, recreation, and other services we derive from the ocean. Not all drivers are changing at the same rate, thus the effects on different parts of the ecosystem are not uniform. We are working to show both how systems are changing and what factors are driving those changes.
Regime Shifts & Ecosystem Reorganization
Ecosystem change can happen rapidly, resulting in large, abrupt and persistent changes in the structure and function of an ecosystem. It is important to identify these “regime shifts” because our historical knowledge of how the system works may not apply under the present conditions. Ecosystem reorganization occurs as species and humans respond and adapt to the new environment. Changing habitat conditions influence the range and distribution of resident species and create the conditions for new species to take up residence.
Performance Relative to Fishery Management Objectives
To evaluate fishery management performance, we examine indicators related to broad, ecosystem-level fishery management objectives. We also provide hypotheses on the implications of these trends—why we are seeing them, what’s driving them, and potential or observed regime shifts or changes in ecosystem structure. Identification of multiple drivers, regime shifts, and potential changes to ecosystem structure can help managers make changes to meet objectives and to prioritize upcoming issues and risks.
Ecosystem-scale Fishery Management Objectives
Objective categories in bold and the indicators used to evaluate performance
Provisioning and Cultural Services
- Seafood production: landings; commercial total and by feeding guild; recreational harvest
- Profits: revenue decomposed to price and volume
- Recreation: days fished; recreational fleet diversity
- Stability: fishery and ecosystem diversity
- Social & Cultural: community engagement and reliance status
- Protected Species: bycatch; population (adults and juveniles) size; mortalities
Supporting and Regulating Services
- Biomass: biomass or abundance by feeding guild from surveys
- Productivity: condition and recruitment of managed species; primary productivity
- Trophic Structure: relative biomass of feeding guilds; zooplankton
- Habitat: estuarine and offshore habitat conditions
Risks to Meeting Fishery Management Objectives
The fishery management section of the report focuses on trends and status of indicators that are
directly related to the management objectives. We are also looking at indicators that can affect our ability to meet the management objectives. Changes in climate, oceanographic conditions, habitat, food resources, and human uses can be a risk to fisheries. We are monitoring these indicators to assess how multiple changes in the ecosystem and its uses could lead to regime shifts or ecosystem reorganization. In the most recent report we focused on:
- Climate and ecosystem productivity risks to spatial management, seasonal management, and quota setting/rebuilding
- Other human uses, specifically risks associated with the development of offshore wind
Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
These reports are part of a larger, iterative Integrated Ecosystem Assessment approach, a component of Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management. The approach integrates physical, biological, economic, and social components of the Northeast Shelf marine ecosystems into the decision-making process. This allows managers to balance trade-offs and determine what is more likely to achieve their desired goals. The reports are produced by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center with collaborators from academic research institutions, non-profit organizations, and state agencies.
Archived Reports
Mid-Atlantic State of the Ecosystem Reports: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
New England State of the Ecosystem Reports: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023