Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team
The Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team is one of several take reduction teams established to help develop plans to mitigate the risk to marine mammals posed by fishing gear. We established the Team in 1996 and it is composed of fishermen, scientists, conservationists, and state and federal officials from Maine to Florida.
Team Members
Trap/Pot Fishery
- Hank Soule, Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen's Association
- Scott Buff, Southport, NC
- Greg Mataronas, Rhode Island Lobstermen's Association (Alternate: Peter Brodeur)
- Dwight Carver, Beals, ME (Alternate: Dustin Delano)
- Beth Casoni, Massachusetts Lobstermen's Association (Alternate: Jeff Bartlett)
- John Haviland, South Shore Lobstermen's Association (Alternate: Mike Lane)
- Raymond King, Atlantic Beach, FL
- Patrice McCarron, Maine Lobstermen's Association (Alternate: Ben Martens)
- Steve Nippert, Gloucester, MA
- Bob Nudd, Jr., New Hampshire Lobstermen's Association (Alternate: Damon Frampton)
- Kristan Porter, Maine Lobstermen's Association (Alternate: Virginia Olsen)
- Billy Reid, Virginia Beach, VA
- Jeff Putnam, Chebeague Island, Maine (Alternate: Chris McIntire)
- Grant Moore, Westport MA (Alternate: Jon Williams)
- Greg DiDomenico, Garden State Seafood Association* (Alternate: Warren Appel)
- Sonny Gwin, Berlin, MD*
- Wes Townsend, Dagsboro, DE*
Gillnet Fishery
*Some trap/pot members also represent the gillnet industry.
- Edwin Chiofolo, Brookhaven, NY
- Charlie Locke, Wanchese, NC
- Scott MacAllister, Orleans, MA
- Jay Driscoll, Wolfeboro, NH
- Liam Sullivan, Newport, RI (Alternate: Todd Sutton)
- Chris Rainone, Viking Village, NJ (Alternate: Rick Marks)
Conservation/Environmental Groups
- Regina Asmutis-Silvia, Whale and Dolphin Conservation (Alternate: Andrea Bogomolni)
- Jane Davenport, Defenders of Wildlife (Alternate: Sierra Weaver)
- Brian Sharp, International Fund for Animal Welfare (Alternate: Kathleen Collins)
- Kristen Monsell, Center for Biological Diversity (Alternate: Sarah Uhlemann)
- Mason Weinrich, Gloucester, MA
- Erica Fuller, Conservation Law Foundation (Alternate: Andrea Bogomolni)
State Fishery Resource Managers
- Chris Davis, Virginia Marine Resources Commission (Alternate: Patrick Geer) *pending
- Vacant, Maryland Department of Natural Resources (Alternate: Amanda Weschler)
- Jessica Thompson, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
- Colleen Bouffard, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
- Robert Glenn, Massachusetts Department of Marine Fisheries (Alternate: Erin Burke)
- Audrey Ostroski, Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife (Alternate: Richard Wong)
- Chris McDonough, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
- Barbie Byrd, North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (Alternate: Casey Knight)
- Scott Olszewski, Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife (Alternate: Corinne Truesdale)
- Renee Zobel, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department
- Tom Pitchford, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- Chad Power, New Jersey Division of Fish, Game, and Wildlife (Alternate: Peter Clarke)
- Meghan Rickard, New York Department of Environmental Conservation (Alternate: Jesse Hornstein)
- Erin Summers, Maine Department of Marine Resources (Alternate: Megan Ware)
Federal Resource Managers
- Colleen Coogan, NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office
- Andy Read*, Marine Mammal Commission (Alternate: Dee Allen) *pending
- Kristy Long, NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources
- David Wiley, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
- Kara Shervanick, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office (Alternate: Jessica Powell)
Fishery Management Organizations
- Cheri Patterson, New England Fishery Management Council (Alternate: Robin Frede *pending)
- Hayden Dubniczki*, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Alternate: Kiley Dancy) *pending
- Charlie Phillips, South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
- Toni Kerns, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Alternate: Caitlin Starks)
Academic/Scientific Groups
- Robert Kenney, University of Rhode Island (Alternate: Tim Werner)
- Amy Knowlton, New England Aquarium (Alternate: Heather Pettis)
- Daniel Palacios, Center for Coastal Studies *pending
- Bill McLellan, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
- Nicholas Record, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
- Scott Landry, Center for Coastal Studies (Alternate: Bob Lynch)
- Alternate: Sue Barco
- Erin Meyer-Gutbrod, University of South Carolina
Upcoming Team Meetings & Webinars
Team Meeting (in-person)
Tuesday-Wednesday, March 18-19, 2025
Purpose: Provide members with TRT process training/refresher and information on updated DST.
Team Meeting (in-person)
Monday-Thursday, November 17-20, 2025
Location: TBD
Purpose: Preliminary package development
Team Meeting (in-person)
Tuesday-Thursday, January 13-15, 2026 (may change)
Location: TBD
Purpose: Develop and vote on recommendations
Recent Team Meetings & Webinars
Informational Webinar: Population, Entanglements, Council Actions, Enforcement Activities, Risk Reduction
December 20, 2024, 10 am - 12:30 pm
Register to watch the webinar
Webinar: NOAA & MITRE WEBINAR: Updates on the Assessments of Acoustic Interoperability Standards of On Demand Gear
Thursday, August 29, 1-2:30 p.m.
Register to watch the recorded webinar
Slide Presentation
Annual Informational Webinar
Tuesday, March 19, 3-6 p.m.
Slide Presentation
Register to watch the recorded webinar
Webinar: North Atlantic Right Whale Population Viability Analysis and Population Estimate
Monday, November 6, 4:30 p.m
Register to watch the recorded webinar.
Slide presentation (PDF, 39 pp)
Webinar: Results of the DST Peer Review
June 15, 4 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Register to watch the recorded webinar
Slide presentation (PDF, 42 pp)
DST Peer Review
An Independent Peer Review of the Phase 2-3 Expanded Decision Support Tool created for the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team
Monday-Wednesday, 1/30-2/1, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
More information
ALWTRT Team Meeting (Virtual)
November 14, 15, 17, 18, and December 1–2, 2022
Meeting Summary (PDF, 68 pp)
Monday, 11/14, 2–6 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 74 pp)
Tuesday, 11/15, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 67 pp)
Thursday, 11/17, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 40 pp)
Friday, 11/18, 9 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 19 pp)
Thursday, 12/1, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 41 pp)
Friday, 12/2, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 41 pp)
Right Whale Model Webinar and Q&A for Take Reduction Team
November 10, 2022, 2–4 p.m.
Register to watch recorded webinar
Presentation (PDF, 7 pp)
ALWTRT Webinar: DST Analysis Results in Preparation for November Team Meeting
November 9, 2022, 6–9 p.m.
Register to watch recorded webinar
Presentation (PDF, 61 pp)
Follow-up virtual ALWTRT meetings for deliberations
September 19, 2022,1–5:15 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 77 pp)
September 22, 2022, 1–5 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 59 pp)
September 30, 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Slide Presentation (PDF, 20 pp)
Updated DST Analyses from May 2022 Measure Packages
September 8, 2022, 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Pre-meeting webinar to present the updated results from the measure collections. We will include additional materials from the model runs for the team to peruse prior to the follow-up meeting.
Register to watch the recorded webinar
Presentation slides (PDF, 108 pp)
Southeast Risk Update and Southeast Caucus Discussion
September 1, 2022, 2:30 p.m.
(Only for Southeast Caucus; not recorded)
Coastwide Baseline DST Fishery Updates
August 25, 2022, 2:30 p.m.
Register to watch the recorded webinar
Phase 1 Update
August 18, 2022, 2:30 p.m.
Register to watch the recorded webinar
Meeting Slides (PDF, 51 pp)
Informational Webinar on the Ropeless Roadmap
August 11, 2022, 2:30 p.m.
Register to watch the recorded webinar
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team Meeting
May 9-13, 2022 (virtual)
Agenda and Meeting Link
Meeting Summary
DST Model Run Demonstration Webinar
April 28, 2022, 2–4 p.m.
Register to watch recorded webinar
An overview of current regulations relevant to Phase 2 - Webinar
March 30, 2022, 3–5 p.m.
Register to watch recorded webinar
DST Update Webinar
March 29, 2022, 3–5 p.m.
Register to watch recorded webinar
Review the slide deck
Informational Webinar
February 24, 2022, 3–4:30 p.m.
Register to view recording
Informational webinar
January 18, 2022: 3–4:30 p.m.
Register to view recording
See the agenda
Informational webinar on ALWTRT large whale populations
November 2, 2021: 4–6 p.m.
Register to watch the recorded meeting
Presentation (PDF, 46 slides)
Informational webinar on ALWTRP Phase 1 Modifications
September 30, 2021
Register to watch the recorded meeting
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team Meeting
June 28 and July 1, 2021: 3–6 pm ET
Scoping Ideas Summary
Key Outcomes
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team Meeting
May 10, 2021: 3–6 pm ET
Key Outcomes
NEUS Right Whale Monitoring Update
April 15, 2021: 5pm–7pm ET
Meeting Recording (59:01)
Canada’s NARW Fisheries Management Measures (Adam Burns, DFO)
April 8, 2021, 5pm–7pm ET
Meeting Recording (57:29)
Informational Webinar: Entanglement Summary
April 1, 2021, 5–7pm ET
Meeting Recording (1:34:29)
Slide Presentation
Informational Webinar: Calving Update
March 25, 2021, 5–7pm ET
Meeting Recording (44:36)
Informational Webinar: Updated Decision Support Tool
March 18, 2021, 5–7pm ET
Meeting Recording Complete (2:05:44)
To review particular sections, you can choose to visit these portions of the presentation:
Part 1: Introduction
- Decision Support Tool Updates (0:03:43 - 0:15:28)
Part 2: Decision Support Tool Development
- Slides 14-19: DST Overview (0:15:28 - 0:33:10)
- Slides 20-29: Estimating Vertical Lines (0:33:10 - 0:45:56)
- Slides 30-31: Gear Threat Model (0:45:56 - 0:49:55)
- Slides 32-35: Management Options (0:49:55 - 0:59:20)
- Slide 36: Peer Review (0:59:20 - 1:00:12)
Q&A Middle (1:00:12 - 1:22:48)
Part 3: Updating Whale Distribution Models
- Slides 37-44: Whale Distribution Model (1:22:48 - 1:34:28)
Part 4: Decision Support Tool Current Status and Future Plans
- Slides 46-51: Status of the Fisheries (1:34:28 - 1:45:27)
- Slides 52-53: Shiny App Development (1:45:27 - 1:48:00)
- Slide 54: Current Action (1:48:00 - 1:49:15)
- Slides 55-56: DST Challenges (1:49:15 - 1:54:41)
- Slide 57: DST Expansion (1:54:41 - 1:56:44)
Q&A End (1:56:44 - 2:05:44)
Informational Webinar: Update on Right Whale Population and Mortality Estimates
March 11, 2021, 5–7pm ET
Meeting Recording (1:28:50)
February 25, 2021
Meeting Recording (1:52:48)
January 2021
Team Meeting
Providence, RI
April 2019
Meeting Summary (PDF, 15 pages)
Team Meeting
October 2018
Providence, RI
Meeting Summary (PDF, 21 pages)
Team Meeting
April 2018
Meeting Summary (PDF, 15 pages)
Team Meeting
March 2018
Providence, RI
Meeting Summary (PDF, 10 pages)
Team Meeting
February 2018
Conference Calls
Meeting Summary (PDF, 6 pages)
Meeting Summary (PDF, 6 pages)
Team Meeting
November 2017
Conference Call
Meeting Summary (PDF, 8 pages)
Team Meeting
April 2017
Providence, RI
Meeting Summary (PDF, 23 pages)
Team Meeting
November 2016
Conference Call
Meeting Summary (PDF, 5 pages)
Team Meeting
May 2016
Gloucester, MA
Meeting Summary (PDF, 4 pages)
Team Meeting
November 2015
Conference Call
Meeting Summary (PDF, 7 pages)
Team Meeting
January 2015
Providence, RI
Meeting Summary (PDF, 15 pages)
More Information
Contact: Jennifer Goebel, Greater Atlantic Region, Take Reduction Team Coordinator,