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3266 items match your filter criteria.

Ocean Acidification Puts Northwest Dungeness Crab At Risk, Research Finds

Ocean acidification expected to accompany climate change may slow development and reduce survival of the larval stages of Dungeness crab, a key component of the Northwest marine ecosystem and the largest fishery by revenue on the West Coast, a new study has found.
May 19, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Dungeness crab larvae

A Little Camera May Yield Big Results

A low-tech mini-camera (miniCam) may turn out to be an efficient way to identify fish during research surveys.
May 17, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Echogram showing a scan of the ocean, the red line represents the sea floor and the green scattering represents pre-spawning Pollock

Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation And Management Act In Action: Age Data Are Important For Sustainable Fisheries

A little stone in a fish’s ear contains valuable information that helps determine its age.
May 10, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Ear stone of a fish

Bilateral Effort Underway To Assess Populations Of Arctic Seals And Polar Bears

Scientists are using infrared cameras to detect warm-bodied animals, to locate and identify seals and polar bears on sea ice in the high Arctic.
April 28, 2016 - Feature Story ,

Florida-Based Company Sentenced To Probation, $50,000 In Mislabeling Case

The interagency partnership between the Food and Drug Administration and the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement was critical in a recent open-and-shut mislabeling case. The case began in December 2012, when MKG Provisions, Inc. (MKG), a Miami-based seafood c
April 27, 2016 - Feature Story ,

The Cost of Saving Sea Turtles from Gillnets

In small-scale fisheries around the world, gillnets are helping individual fishermen put food on the table day in and day out. But at the same time, this non-selective fishing gear is inadvertently catching bycatch.
April 26, 2016 - Feature Story ,
In the left foreground, a set of hands hold a gillnet with green LED sticks attached. In the background the sunsets in an array of pinks, purples, yellows and oranges in the clouds over the water.

Status of Stocks 2015

U.S. Fisheries Continue to Rebuild
April 20, 2016 - Feature Story ,

Humpback Whales: An Endangered Species Act Success Story?

Are humpback whales still endangered, or have their populations recovered enough since whaling ended that they can now be taken off the Endangered Species List? NOAA Fisheries scientists have spent several years researching this question, and their ans
April 20, 2016 - Feature Story ,

How Underwater Cameras Can Help Conserve the Hawai‘i Deep 7 Bottomfish

Learn how scientists are using underwater cameras to monitor the Hawai‘i Deep 7 bottomfish.
April 19, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Stationary stereo-video gear hangs from the side of a vessel as crew use a pole with a hook to pull it back on board.

As Magnuson-Stevens Act Turns 40, One Law Enforcement Special Agent Remembers the Implementation, Transition

It was April 13, 1976, when President Gerald Ford signed into law the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the platform on which America relies for the stewardship, sustainability, and recovery of the nation’s living marine resources. That same spring the NOAA Office
April 13, 2016 - Feature Story ,