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Press Releases

263 items match your filter criteria.

Additional Comment Period Extension for Proposal to Revise the ESA Listing of the Green Sea Turtle

Reclassification into 11 Distinct Population Segments will provide more tailored conservation efforts globally, all green sea turtle populations will continue to be protected under the ESA.
August 25, 2015 - Media Release ,

NOAA Fisheries releases statement on outside study

NOAA Fisheries is releasing the following statement regarding a new study, published by the journal Science, entitled The unique ecology of human predators. "U.S. fisheries are among the world’s most sustainable and a global model of success in
August 24, 2015 - Media Release ,

NOAA Declares Deaths of Large Whales in Gulf of Alaska an Unusual Mortality Event

NOAA is declaring the recent deaths of 30 large whales in the western Gulf of Alaska an "unusual mortality event," triggering a focused, expert investigation into the cause. An unusual mortality
August 20, 2015 - Media Release ,
Bears feeding on a fin whale carcass

Nomination Period Extended for U.S. Seats on International Pacific Halibut Commission

Terms for the current commissioners expire on December 31, 2015.
August 18, 2015 - Media Release ,

Public Comment Period Opens for NOAA’s Proposed Rule to Protect Marine Mammals in International Fisheries

Today, NOAA issued a proposed rule to protect marine mammals in international fisheries.
August 10, 2015 - Media Release ,

Emergency Rule to Go Into Effect for Trawl Sector of Gulf of Alaska Fisheries

As requested by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, NOAA Fisheries is implementing an emergency rule to provide an additional 1,600 Chinook salmon prohibited species catch (PSC) allowance to the Gulf of Alaska groundfish trawl fisheries.
August 07, 2015 - Media Release ,

NOAA Issues Regulations Governing Navy’s Activities in the Mariana Islands

NOAA gives the U.S. Navy marine mammal protection measures.
July 31, 2015 - Media Release ,

NOAA Fisheries Asks Public to Comment on Updated Draft Acoustic Guidelines

New science on how noise levels affect marine mammal hearing.
July 30, 2015 - Media Release ,

NOAA Fisheries Revises Approach Guidelines for Vessels in Alaska Glacial Fjords

Julie Speegle, (907)586-7032 (office), (907)321-7032 (cell) NOAA Fisheries is announcing new, voluntary approach guidelines for vessels in Alaska tidewater glacial fjords to minimize disturbance to harbor seals in sensitive nursery habitat.
July 29, 2015 - Media Release ,
harbor seals on an ice floe

Comment Period Extended for Proposal to Revise the ESA Listing of the Green Sea Turtle

Reclassification into 11 Distinct Population Segments will provide more tailored conservation efforts globally, all green sea turtle populations will continue to be protected under the ESA.
July 27, 2015 - Media Release ,