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Columbia Basin Historical Ecology Project Data

June 17, 2020

Basin wide assessments of historical habitat potential in the Columbia basin.

Columbia basin historical ecology project extent

Project extent

The Columbia Basin Historical Ecology Project consists of basin-wide assessments of historical habitat potential and current habitat condition to guide recovery efforts for endangered salmon. Associated datasets and model outputs include attributed stream networks, main stem and side channel habitat predictions, reference channel type predictions, and pre-settlement riparian vegetation predictions.

Our datasets are based on the U.S. National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the Canadian Watershed Atlas. We have model results and stream attributes built upon the 1:100K and the newer 1:24k NHD versions. Because of the network processing required to run our models we were not able to retain NHD reach identifiers but our layers can be associated with other datasets using spatial joins.

GIS data downloads

Last updatedData dictionaryPublication
Columbia basin streams 1:24k1:24k resolution hydrography layer with multiple attributesshapefile5.30.2018PDF 
(2 pages)
CRB mainstem and side channel habitat (1:24k)Predicted mainstem and side channel widths for Columbia basin streamsComing soon!---
Columbia basin streams 1:100k1:100k resolution hydrography layer  for streams >8m bankfull width with multiple attributesshapefile8.12.2017PDF 
(2 pages)
Bond et al. 2019
CRB mainstem and side channel habitat (1:100k)Predicted bank, bar and side channel habitat unit areas for streams >8m bankfull width in the Columbia basinshapefile8.12.2017PDF 
(1 pages)
Bond et al. 2019
CRB Channel type model results (1:100k)Predicted channel patterns for streams >8m bankfull width in the Columbia basinshapefile2013PDF 
(2 pages)
Beechie and Imaki 2014
Historical riparian vegetation observationsObserved riparian vegetation taxa from Public Land Surveys in late 1800s and early 1900sshapefile2021PDF 
(3 pages)
Beechie et al. 2021
Predicted historical riparian vegetation Predicted pre-settlement riparian vegetation groups and taxashapefile2021PDF 
(1 pages)
Beechie et al. 2021


Bond, M.H., T.G. Nodine, T.J. Beechie, and R.W. Zabel. 2019. Estimating the benefits of widespread floodplain reconnection for Columbia River Chinook salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:1212-1226, doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2018-0108

Beechie, T., and H. Imaki (2014), Predicting natural channel patterns based on landscape and geomorphic controls in the Columbia River basin, USA, Water Resour. Res., 50, 39–57, doi:10.1002/2013WR013629

Beechie, T. J., O. Stefankiv, M. Bond, and M. Pollock. 2021. Modeling riparian species occurrence from historical surveys to guide restoration planning in northwestern USA. Ecosphere 12(5):e03525, doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3525


Tim Beechie

Morgan Bond

Last updated by Northwest Fisheries Science Center on 10/24/2024