2019 Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling Project Brochure
The ACLIM project represents a comprehensive, collaborative effort by NOAA Fisheries and partners to characterize and project climate-driven changes to the Bering Sea ecosystem, from physics to fishing communities. The goal is to provide decision-makers with information on how different fisheries management approaches might attenuate or amplify climate-driven changes to fish and shellfish populations.
ACLIM is a interdisciplinary collaboration to project and evaluate climate impacts on marine fisheries in the Bering Sea, AK. It connects research on downscaling global climate and socioeconomic projections to regional circulation, climate-enhanced biological models, and socio-economic and harvest scenarios in order to inform management of the risks of climate change on fish and fisheries as well as evaluate the performance of a range of adaptation strategies. It is a collaboration between 20+ scientists including physical oceanographers, ecosystem modelers, socioeconomic analysts, and fishery management experts from NOAA AFSC, NOAA PMEL, and the University of Washington.