Final Black Abalone Recovery Plan (Haliotis cracherodii)
November 18, 2020
This recovery plan describes the recovery goals, objectives, criteria, and actions needed to recover black abalone throughout its range.
NOAA Fisheries’ goal is to restore black abalone populations so that the species is self-sustaining and no longer needs the protections of the Endangered Species Act. The Final Recovery Plan first provides a brief background on the natural history, status, and threats to black abalone. The Final Recovery Plan then lays out a recovery strategy to address the threats based on the best available science, identifies site-specific actions with time lines and costs, and defines demographic and threats-based recovery criteria to gauge progress toward recovery. Recommended recovery actions include restoring populations affected by disease, maintaining healthy populations, continuing long-term monitoring and disease research, promoting coordination and research to address the threats, and facilitating outreach to educate the public and law enforcement about the best ways to protect this species.
Supplemental Documents/Supporting Materials:
- Final Black Abalone Recovery Plan: Notice of Availability
- Black Abalone: Five-Year Recovery Implementation Strategy (PDF, 4 pages), updated August 2023