Recovery Plan for the Steller Sea Lion
Recovery plan to promote the conservation of the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus).
NOAA Fisheries has determined that a recovery plan would promote the conservation of the Steller sea lion. This plan was written by the Steller Sea Lion Recovery Team at the request of the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA. A preliminary draft Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan was prepared by members of the Recovery Team and circulated to a select group of technical experts for review. A revised Technical Draft was submitted to NOAA Fisheries on February 20, 1991. NOAA Fisheries made this draft available for public review and comment. A final draft of the Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan incorporated, to the maximum extent possible, all relevant comments received. This final draft was submitted by the Recovery Team to NOAA Fisheries on October 3, 1991.