Southwest Fisheries Science Center Strategic Science Planning
The Southwest Fisheries Science Center uses these strategic planning documents to outline short- and long-term efforts to support NOAA Fisheries' science mission.
Southwest Fisheries Science Center 10-Year Strategic Vision
This vision, shaped by the many thoughts and ideas shared by staff and federal stakeholders, reflects the Center’s commitment to supporting NOAA Fisheries' strategic goals of (1) adaptively managing fisheries for sustainability and economic competitiveness, (2) safeguarding protected species and propelling their recovery, and (3) diversifying our workforce, promoting equity and environmental justice, and improving our mission performance through organizational excellence. We used the input provided as we outlined the science and the approaches our Center will focus on over the next decade. The vision builds on our strengths and also characterizes targeted investments we will be making in a few new key areas. The vision will guide our planning over the coming years.
Fisheries Science Center Strategic Vision (PDF, 30 pages)
West Coast Geographic Strategic Plan
The West Coast Geographic Strategic Plan reflects the practical approach to managing our fisheries and marine resources. This plan, released alongside the other four regional plans, is focused on addressing our agency’s highest priorities to amplify the economic value of commercial and recreational fisheries and recover and conserve protected marine species.
West Coast Geographic Strategic Plan (PDF, 16 pages
NOAA Fisheries Geographic Strategic Plans
West Coast Regional Implementation Plan for NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
The West Coast Regional Implementation Plan, as part of five regional plans, discusses how we intend to integrate our goals and priorities for ecosystem-based fisheries management research, management, and conservation over the course of five years. The plan is outlined to include six guiding principles with suggested actions for each in order to support the resilience and stability of the ecosystem.
West Coast Regional Implementation Plan for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (PDF, 27 pages)
Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management plans
Western Regional Action Plan for the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy
The Western Regional Action Plan outlines efforts underway to increase the production, delivery, and use of the climate-related information required to fulfill our mission. As part of the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy, which includes five regional plans, this plan conforms to a nationally consistent framework that guides efforts by NOAA Fisheries and partners to address the agency’s climate-related information needs. It identifies strengths, weaknesses, priorities, and actions to implement the climate science strategy on the U.S. West Coast over the next 3-5 years.
Western Regional Action Plan for the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy