Eastern Bering Sea Crab Distribution Data Map
This database contains distribution information for crab species in the eastern Bering Sea of Alaska collected during Alaska Fisheries Science Center bottom trawl surveys since 1975.
The Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center conducts bottom trawl surveys to monitor the condition of the bottom-dwelling fish and crab stocks of Alaska. These data include catch per unit effort for each commercially important crab species at a standard set of stations in the eastern Bering Sea. This is a subset of the main database. Excluded are certain non standard tows and other types of data collected other than species id, species size category, species catch per unit effort (number per square nautical mile), water temperature and depth. The data set was developed to describe the temporal distribution and abundance of commercially important crab species, examine the changes in the species composition of species over time and space, and describe the physical environment of the habitat.
Additional Resources
- Alaska Crab Research
- Alaska Fisheries Science Center Research Surveys
- Alaska Crab Habitat Research
- Alaska Shellfish Assessment Current Research
- Alaska Shellfish Assessment Program Culture Research
- Alaska Shellfish Assessment Program Growth Research
- Alaska Shellfish Assessment Pathobiology Research
- Alaska Shellfish Assessment Reproduction Research
- Alaska Shellfish Assessment Additional Research
- Dutch Harbor Snow and Tanner Crab Growth Study
- Alaska Shellfish Assessment Ocean Acidification and Climate Research
- Sample Request Instructions for Alaska Groundfish and Shellfish Assessment Surveys
- 2016 Eastern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey
- 2017 Eastern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey