Analysis of an amendment to prohibit Federally-permitted hook-and-line, pot, and trawl gear vessels from participating in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Island Pacific cod parallel fisheries unless they meet LLP and FFP requirements.
Analysis of modifications to allocations of pollock and cod to allow fisheries to more fully harvest TAC and potentially decrease prohibited species catch. The modifications would not re-distribute allocations between management areas or harvest sectors.
This Regulatory Impact Review/Environmental Assessment analyzes management measures that would apply to catcher vessels targeting Pacific cod in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands.
This Regulatory Impact Review/Environmental Assessment analyzes proposed management measure that would apply exclusively to Community Development Quota (CDQ) groups and their participants.
Analysis of an action to remove Gulf of Alaska Pacific cod sideboard limits applicable to some freezer longliners if certain conditions are met during a limited period of time.
Analysis of the proposed action to change the Federal Fisheries Permit (FFPs) and License Limitation Program (LLPs) requirements for operators of pot and hook-and-line catcher processors in the BSAI Pacific cod parallel waters fisheries.
NOAA Fisheries has determined that a regulatory amendment to limit access by federally permitted pot and hook-and-line catcher/processors to the Bering Sea AI Pacific cod state fishery will not significantly impact the quality of the human environment.
This Environmental Assessment/Review/Flexibility Analysis analyzes the impacts of revising the separate apportionments of the BSAI Pacific cod ITAC among the fixed gear sectors, jig sector, and trawl sectors based on recent sector catch histories.