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4 resources match your filter criteria.

The Fall Bottom Longline Survey: Enjoying the Ride Despite the Weather

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Northeast Fisheries Observer Program alumna Maura Flynn tackles the challenges of working at sea by heeding her own advice during the fall Gulf of Maine Bottom Longline Survey.
December 16, 2024 - Survey ,
Two blackbelly rosefish on a fish measuring board. Measuring blackbelly rosefish on the fall Bottom Longline Survey. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/ Maura Flynn

Most Wow-Worthy 2022 Bottom Longline Survey Moments

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Marine resource specialist Giovanni Gianesin asked fellow survey participants what their most wow-worthy moments were this fall. From eerie fog and a regurgitated octopus, to huge fish and a feeding frenzy, their answers do not disappoint!
November 29, 2022 - Survey ,
In the foreground, in slight silhouette, a scientist wearing rubber gloves and foul weather gear holds a cage-like piece of equipment at the rail of a boat. Behind him, the sun sets on the horizon of a slightly choppy sea. Field biologist Ben Church deploys an underwater camera system onboard the F/V Tenacious II. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Giovanni Gianesin

Props to Another Bottom Longline Survey Trip in the Books!

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Large swells, bad jokes, glorious sunsets, a persistent blue shark, and a lost boat prop are just a few of field biologist Emma Fowler’s memorable moments during the fall Bottom Longline Survey aboard F/V Mary Elizabeth.
November 15, 2022 - Survey ,
A boat propeller lies on the ocean floor. It has a light dusting of sediment and a few encrusting organisms have attached to its surface.

Back in the Gulf of Maine on the Tenacious II

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Back on the water, Gulf of Maine Bottom Longline Survey!
May 25, 2021 - Survey ,
Gloves, measuring board, and cooler on deck. Sampling station at the ready. Credit: NOAA Fisheries