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35 resources match your filter criteria.

2018 Ocean Indicators Summary

A summary of ocean indicators of the northern California Current for 2018.

Ocean Indicator Ancillary Data and Future Research Directions

Northwest Fisheries Science Center scientists collect and analyze various data to improve the accuracy of Pacific salmon forecasts.

Local Biological Indicators

Biological conditions experienced by juvenile salmon entering the northern California Current.

Climate and Atmospheric Indicators

Atmospheric conditions experienced by juvenile salmon entering the northern California Current.

California Salmonscape

From the Sierra Nevada to the Golden Gate, California is a salmon state. Discover the species, habitats, and human connections through art.

Ocean Ecosystem Indicators of Pacific Salmon Marine Survival in the Northern California Current

Long-term monitoring of ocean conditions and their effect on juvenile Pacific salmon survival off Oregon and Washington.

Ocean Indicators Summary for 2019

Summary of ocean ecosystem indicators used to characterize juvenile marine salmon survival in the Northern California Current.

Cumulative Energetic Costs of Southern Resident Killer Whale Responses to Anthropogenic Disturbance

Research to support the conservation and recovery of endangered Southern Resident killer whales in the Pacific Northwest.

Salmon Life History Research in California’s Central Valley

Our team uses microchemical analyses to quantify salmon life history diversity across freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems to improve conservation, management, and recovery.

Biophysical Ecology Research on California Salmon and Green Sturgeon

Our team merges biophysics, ecology, and physiology to study anadromous fish populations in California's Central Valley.