Ocean Ecosystem Indicators of Pacific Salmon Marine Survival in the Northern California Current
Long-term monitoring of ocean conditions and their effect on juvenile Pacific salmon survival off Oregon and Washington.
Since 1996, the Northwest Fisheries Science Center has monitored the ocean environment off the Washington and Oregon coasts, its interaction with the California Current, and how ocean conditions affect fisheries, focusing on juvenile salmonids.
Our ocean indices combine a suite of oceanographic data to capture the changing ecosystem. These indicators characterize ocean conditions experienced by juvenile salmon entering the northern California Current. We rate each indicator in terms of whether the relative impact on the marine survival of juvenile salmon is "good," "poor," or "fair."
Stoplight Table
We analyze various ocean ecosystem indicators to develop a "stoplight" table, which leverages conditions for the survival of juvenile salmon to provide outlooks on their likely survival to adulthood. We compare the data from all years sampled to arrive at rank scores for each ocean ecosystem indicator. We then color-code each indicator based on its rank to reflect ocean conditions for juvenile salmon growth and survival.
Ocean Conditions Summary
Each year we summarize the ocean conditions used to characterize juvenile salmon marine survival in the Northern California Current.
View past annual summaries from 2008 to present>
Newportal Blog
Keep current on local ocean conditions by visiting our blog, where we post bi-monthly contour maps of oceanographic data and cruise reports of what we are seeing in the Northern California Current.
Indicators and Salmon
The indicators in our stoplight chart relate to several ecosystem processes that impact salmon growth and survival. To explore these relationships, we put together this interactive tool that allows a user to add or remove individual indicators from the stoplight chart and see how that changes the relationship with the returns to Bonneville Dam for different species of adult salmon.
Dive Deeper
Get an introduction to our ocean indicators project>
Learn about the oceanography of the California Current Ecosystem study area>
View our methods and background materials>
Learn more about the various ocean indicators used in the Stoplight Table.
Learn about ancillary data and future indicators in development>
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Northwest Fisheries Science Center Fish Ecology staff
- Kym Jacobson, Research Zoologist, Newport Field Station
- Brian Burke, Research Fisheries Biologist, Montlake Laboratory
- Jennifer Fisher, Research Fisheries Biologist, Newport Field Station
- JoAnne Butzerin, Technical Writer/Editor, Montlake Laboratory
- Bill Peterson, Late Biological Oceanographer, Newport Field Station
Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resources Studies (CIMERS) staff
- Cheryl Morgan, Senior Faculty Research Assistant II, Oregon State University, Newport, OR
- Samantha Zeman, Senior Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University, Newport, OR
- Anna Bolm, Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University, Newport, OR
- Elizabeth Daly, Senior Faculty Research Assistant II, Oregon State University, Newport, OR
- Josh Bowman, Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University, Newport, OR
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSFMC) staff
- Toby Auth, Fisheries Biologist 2, Newport, OR