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Alaska Salmon Bycatch Results

53 results match your filter criteria.

EA/RIR/IRFA for Amendment 93 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska: Chinook Salmon Prohibited Species Catch in the Gulf of Alaska Pollock Fishery

Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis of proposed management measures that would apply exclusively to the directed pollock fishery in the Western and Central Gulf of Alaska.
February 02, 2012 - NEPA ,

Environmental Assessment for Issuing an Exempted Fishing Permit for the Purpose of Testing a Salmon Excluder Device in the Eastern Bering Sea Pollock Fishery

This Environmental Assessment analyzes alternatives on issuance of an exempted fishing permit for continued testing of a salmon excluder device in the Bering Sea pollock trawl fishery. The experiment would be conducted from Fall 2011 through Fall 2012.
August 08, 2011 - NEPA ,

Amendment 91 to the FMP for the Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

NOAA Fisheries issues regulations to implement Amendment 91 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area. Amendment 91 is an innovative approach to managing Chinook salmon bycatch in the Bering Sea…

Bering Sea Chinook Salmon Bycatch Management: Final Environmental Impact Statement Volumes I-II

This Environmental Impact Statement evaluates the environmental effects of measures to minimize Chinook salmon Bycatch in the Bering Sea pollock fishery.
December 01, 2009 - NEPA ,

Amendment 90 to the FMP for the Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

NOAA Fisheries issues regulations implementing Amendment 90 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area and Amendment 78 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska. This…

Bering Sea Non-Chinook Salmon Bycatch Management Scoping Report

This report summarizes the comments received during the January 8, 2009, to March 23, 2009, scoping period for an analysis of Bering Sea Non-Chinook Salmon Bycatch Management.
May 07, 2009 - NEPA ,

Bering Sea Salmon Bycatch Management Environmental Impact Statement - Scoping Report

This report summarizes the comments received during the December 26, 2007, to February 15, 2008, scoping period for the Bering Sea Salmon Bycatch Management Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
March 01, 2008 - NEPA ,

Amendment 84 to the FMP for the Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

NOAA Fisheries amends regulations governing salmon bycatch in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area. This action is necessary to enhance the effectiveness of salmon bycatch measures by exempting pollock vessels from Chinook and Chum Salmon…

Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Modifying Existing Chinook and Chum Salmon Savings Areas, Amendment 84 to the FMP for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands

In the mid-1990s, the Council and NOAA Fisheries implemented regulations to control the bycatch of Chinook salmon and non-chinook salmon taken in the BSAI trawl fisheries.
June 19, 2007 - NEPA ,

Regulatory Impact Review for a Proposed Rule to Allow Processors to Use Offal from Prohibited Species for Fish Meal

Analysis of the costs and benefits of allowing processors receiving fish for the Prohibited Species Donation Program to convert processing byproducts (e.g., inedible heads and guts from salmon and Pacific halibut) into fish meal, oil, or bone meal.
December 01, 2003 - Analyses (non-NEPA) ,