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Conservation Corps Results

22 results match your filter criteria.

Celebrating Veterans Serving in Habitat Conservation

Join us in celebrating Veterans Day and learn more about NOAA's Veterans Corps partnerships employing veterans in the habitat restoration field.
November 08, 2024 - Feature Story ,
In the foreground, a person wearing a black hoodie, red life jacket, and red rubber gloves stands on a ship and pulls on a rope. Two additional people are seen in the background, also wearing red life jackets. Former NOAA veteran intern Garret Engelke pulls in a surface trawling net on the Puget Sound with NOAA scientists.

NOAA Veterans Corps: Progress by the Numbers

NOAA’s Veterans Corps partnerships are building on more than a decade of growth, supporting habitat and fisheries restoration projects on the West Coast.
November 07, 2024 - Feature Story ,
A person wearing waders sits next to a river holding a large branch Veteran Colton Long monitors salmon and steelhead habitat in California’s Klamath River basin. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

NOAA VetCorps: Creating Jobs for Veterans

Supporting veterans is imperative to our agency. NOAA VetCorps gives veterans the training and tools to pursue careers in habitat conservation and restoration.
November 09, 2023 - Podcast ,
A person in waders in the water checking crab traps. Veteran intern Antonio Jones at an oyster farm in Drayton Harbor, Washington, checking traps for European Invasive Green Crab. Credit: Northwest Straits Commission

Restoring Polluted Urban Areas Helps the Environment and Communities Rebound

NOAA and partners have supported communities through restoration at two urban Superfund sites in Massachusetts and Washington. We’re increasing access to parks, and getting locals involved in habitat restoration through training and job opportunities.
November 17, 2021 - Feature Story ,
People canoeing on calm waters. Restoration at the New Bedford Harbor Superfund site included parks and increasing access to the waterfront. Credit: Buzzards Bay Coalition

NOAA Veterans Corps Progress By The Numbers, 2021

NOAA’s Veterans Corps partnerships are building on 9 years of growth, supporting habitat and fisheries restoration projects on the West Coast.
November 10, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Two people in shallow water with waders on. One is checking devices in the water, one is writing on a clipboard. Veteran Jonathan Hallenbeck and staff from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife monitoring invasive crabs at an oyster farm in Drayton Harbor. Credit: Northwest Straits Commission

$12 Million Approved for GulfCorps to Create More Jobs, Restore Thousands of Acres of Habitat

After four years of success, the RESTORE Council Approved almost $12 million for GulfCorps to continue work for an additional four years, restoring habitat and boosting local economies to help the Gulf Coast recover after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
April 28, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Three young people standing on a boardwalk in the woods with landscaping equipment. GulfCorps crew members in the field on a vegetation management project. Image: Katie Flowers Moss/TNC

Native American Veteran Intern to Begin Work Restoring Washington’s Puget Sound

Through a NOAA Veterans Corps internship, Air Force veteran Tillie Smith will begin a new journey restoring habitat and resources in Puget Sound, and gaining scientific experience to build a career in natural resources.
March 09, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Tillie Smith kneeling in a patch of vegetation Photo courtesy of Tillie Smith.

From The Air Force to Fisheries, a Former NOAA Veteran Intern’s Career Path in Science

Barney Boyer, former Air Force engineer, and our first veteran intern in Washington, leveraged the internship to earn a graduate degree, then landed at a Michigan environmental agency where he’s keeping the state’s waters clean for fish and communities.
September 25, 2020 - Feature Story ,
Two scientists stand in a stream, next to water quality testing equipment under the surface. Former NOAA veteran intern Barney Boyer (left) out in the field with a colleague deploying water quality testing equipment. Image: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Engaging Veterans and Conservation Corps to Restore Fisheries and Habitats

NOAA and partners provide job training for young people and veterans through hands-on work experience in on-the-ground restoration and science projects.
TNC18005_170403_1302.jpg Members of the GulfCorps create a living shoreline that will be come a home to oysters and other water creatures in Mississippi.

Explore NOAA’s Veteran and Conservation Corps Programs

Veteran and corps programs are enhancing workforce development and opportunities for higher education in the natural resources field, while restoring coastal habitat to support healthy fisheries, fishing communities, and NOAA trust resources.
March 18, 2020 - Feature Story ,
CCC-snorkelStudy.jpg California Veteran Corps Fisheries Program participants take a photo break from monitoring habitat.