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Endangered Species Assessments Results

17 results match your filter criteria.

Mission on the High Seas: Hawaiian Islands Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Survey

A large-scale survey to better understand the populations and habitats of whales, dolphins, and seabirds is kicking off! Join us for the 5-month journey by following along our story map and regular updates.
July 24, 2023 - Feature Story ,
A pod of eight rough-toothed dolphins swim together along the surface of the ocean. Rough-toothed dolphins observed during HICEAS 2017. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Andrea Bendlin (Permit #20311)

Ship-based Cetacean and Ecosystem Assessment Surveys in the California Current

Monitoring the population status and distributions of cetaceans, seabirds, and the environment

Landscape and Seascape Ecology Research on California Salmon

Our team studies the linkages between habitat and anadromous fish using principles and methods from landscape, ecosystem, community, and population ecology.

Field Notes: NOAA Ship Sets out to Collect Field Biologists in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

The 2019 field season was to retrieve monk seal and sea turtle biologists after three months of research activities in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
August 13, 2019 - Survey ,

Fishermen and Scientists Work Together to Reduce Shark Bycatch in Hawai'i

Teaming up to study endangered oceanic whitetip and silky sharks off the coast of Hawai‘i Island.
November 01, 2018 - Research ,
Two people watch the sunrise on a boat, with a fishing pole nearby and an island in the background.

Passive Acoustics in the Pacific Islands

Using underwater recording devices to listen to whales and dolphins in the Pacific Islands.
A spectrogram of a rough-toothed dolphin whistle. A spectrogram of a rough-toothed dolphin whistle. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

How Many Male Sea Turtles is Enough?

Study reveals insights into the mating strategies of male hawksbill turtles and the future population outlook of these endangered sea turtles.
October 09, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Two Hawaiian hawksbills interacting on beach.