FOSSA (Free and Open Source Software for Acoustics) allows for streamlined analysis of acoustic data.
Researchers at NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center are developing FOSSA (Free & Open Source Software for Acoustics), a streamlined approach to analyzing passive acoustic data. FOSSA will allow for an efficient and standardized approach to acoustic data processing, including acoustic species classification. Built on the open source, multi-platform language, R, FOSSA currently consists of the following software packages:
- PAMpal: functions to extract acoustic metadata, integrate ancillary data, and generate output for downstream analyses. PAMpal currently works with acoustic detections generated within the PAMguard software.
- BANTER: an event-based classification scheme incorporating multiple detection or call types (see Rankin et al. 2017 & BANTER Guidelines).
FOSSA allows for development of novel acoustic measurement tools and machine learning approaches to acoustic classification. We encourage development of new approaches to analysis of acoustic data that integrate with the streamlined workflow created by FOSSA. Select acoustic data will be made publicly accessible through Ann-O-Mate (stay tuned) to allow for development and comparison of new analytical technologies. Learn more about how to use FOSSA through our video tutorials (coming soon).
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