NOAA and partners are conserving habitat to sustain fisheries, recover protected species, and maintain resilient coastal ecosystems and communities. To help celebrate Habitat Month and our 2019 theme, “Habitat Working for You,” we asked the public, NOAA staff, and youth to submit their photos highlighting four categories of habitats, including coastal wetlands, estuaries, rivers, and underwater habitat.
Thank you for submitting your wonderful photos! We received more than one hundred compelling photographs to help celebrate NOAA Habitat Month. Here are the winners. We will be showcasing these as well as other entries throughout our website.
Category 1: Coastal Wetlands
Public Entry Winner: Alyssa Bialek
NOAA Entry Winner: Stephen Heverly
Youth Entry Winner: Sofia West
Category 2: Estuaries
Public Entry Winner: Brett Holycross
NOAA Entry Winner: Dale Youngkin
Youth Entry Winner: Claire Nakamura
Category 3: Rivers
Public Entry Winner: Tracy Szela
NOAA Entry Winner: Jessica Voveris
Youth Entry Winner: Sabrina Weingast
Category 4: Underwater Habitats
Public Entry Winner: Laura Tesler
NOAA Entry Winner: Amy Webb
Youth Entry Winner: No entries received
Thanks to everyone who participated this year!