Rivers provide valuable habitat for fish to thrive. As millions of fish migrate to their native river habitats each year to reproduce, they are often blocked from completing their journey. Learn how rivers provide for our economy and our communities, and how NOAA is helping to restore fish passage nationwide.
River Highlights
Interview with a Habitat: River
Float along with NOAA as we interview the Russian River in California and discuss water quantity, riverbank restoration, and more. Learn more about the Russian River
River Habitat
Most Americans live within a mile of a river or a stream. We rely on rivers for drinking water, irrigation, and more. Providing a home for fish, plants, animals, and people, rivers are essential for the survival of many species—including our own. Learn more about river habitat
Successful Fish Passage Efforts Across the Nation
Fish passage is important to the protection and restoration of fish and their habitats. Learn more about fish passage
River herring on this restored run can now swim to an additional 269 acres of new spawning habitat in the Town Brook watershed. With the removal of the Holmes Dam, more than 200,000 river herring will eventually make their way up Town Brook in future runs, up from 140,000 recently counted.
Reopening Rivers for Migratory Fish
Every year, millions of fish migrate to their native habitats to reproduce. They are often blocked from completing their journey. When fish can’t reach their habitat, they can’t grow their populations. Learn more about our work to reopen rivers for migratory fish
Decades of Dam Removal Help Fish Reach their Homes in Historic Plymouth
Take a virtual walk along Town Brook in Massachusetts to see fish passage projects that have reopened the stream, giving migrating herring and eel new access to restored habitats.Learn more about fish passage projects
Town Brook Restoration Complete with Removal of Holmes Dam
On Earth Day, April 22, 2019, we will celebrate the completion of the Town Brook restoration in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Learn more about the Town Brook restoration
Russian River Habitat Focus Area
Multiple offices within NOAA join an already active community of partners working on these issues in the Russian River watershed. Explore the Russian River Habitat Focus Area
Penobscot River, Maine Habitat Focus Area
NOAA and partners are committed to better managing the Penobscot River ecosystem and recovery of threatened and endangered fish populations. Explore the Penobscot River Habitat Focus Area
Habitat Videos
A River Reborn: Restoring Salmon Habitat Along the Duwamish River
The Boeing Company worked with NOAA under a Natural Resource Damage Assessment to restore habitat harmed by historical industrial activities on the Lower Duwamish River. Learn how the project will benefit the community, fish, and wildlife.
Fish Habitat Improvement: Little Rapids Habitat Restoration
Construction of a new bridge between Sault Ste. Marie and Sugar Island.It will allow natural flow to return for the first time in more than 50 years.