![aerial shot of three white-beaked dolphins swimming in ocean]()
White beaked dolphins seen by an Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS) aerial survey.
Our Research
We are developing models and tools to provide seasonal abundance estimates that incorporate environmental habitat characteristics for marine mammals, turtles, and seabirds in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Other federal agencies involved in this mission are:
These models rely on seasonal distribution and abundance data our scientists have collected over multiple years using aerial and shipboard surveys. They also include dive pattern information from individually-tagged turtles and detections from passive acoustic recording devices.
The program coordinates the data collection and analysis efforts of NOAA Fisheries’ Northeast and Southeast science centers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Migratory Birds. Through these efforts, we are providing enhanced data to managers and supporting conservation initiatives.
![screenshot of the marine mammal model viewer]()
The Marine Mammal Model Viewer.
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More Information
Northeast Fisheries Science Center Protected Species