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3266 items match your filter criteria.

United States and Russia Sign Agreement to Prevent Illegal Fishing

On Sept. 11, Russian and U.S. negotiators signed a bilateral agreement to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The two governments have been working together for many years on efforts to address illegal fishing. The signing took plac
September 11, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Abandoned Pup Transported to Monk Seal Hospital in Kona

First Seal from the Main Hawaiian Islands to be Cared for at Ke Kai Ola On Monday, September 7, a young female Hawaiian monk seal pup was found abandoned during a NOAA monk seal survey of Ni'ihau Island. The pup was emaciated and would certainly have d
September 09, 2015 - Feature Story ,

For Endangered Salmon in California, a Very Measured Sip of Cold Water

With Chinook salmon facing lethally high stream temperatures, scientists deploy a new device to help manage the dwindling supply of cold water that the fish need to survive.
September 08, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Delayed Effects of Oil Spill Compromise Long-term Fish Survival

Low-level oil exposure leads to later heart defects, weaker swimming and reduced survival
September 08, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Transient embryonic exposures to crude oil cause lasting reductions in the swimming speed of salmon and herring

Tagged Hammerhead Shark Travels Widely In Warm Pacific Waters

A hammerhead shark has traveled more than 1,000 miles since NOAA Fisheries researchers tagged it near San Clemente Island about two months ago.
September 04, 2015 - News ,

A Warming Bering Sea: What Does It Mean for Walleye Pollock?

Scientists launch a special cruise to find missing links connecting climate and fisheries.
August 31, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Close up view of zooplankton

A River Runs Around It

The dam removal and routing of the Carmel River began in 2013 and will be completely finished at the end of this year.
August 26, 2015 - Feature Story ,
San Clemente dam in the process of being torn down

New Comprehensive Bering Sea Climate Change Study To Focus On Fish And Fishing And Provide Insights For Management In A Changing Marine Environment

The southeastern Bering Sea is an enormously productive ecosystem. It produces over 40% of the nation’s total annual fish catch. The pollock fishery operates here -- one of the nation’s most important commercial fisheries in both annual yield and valu
August 26, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Updates From The Field: Monk Seal News from Across the Hawaiian Archipelago

Positive Signs for Hawaiian Monk Seals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. In May 2015, NOAA Fisheries deployed 14 researchers to five of the six main areas in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
August 17, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Monk Seal Mission: Upcoming Cruise to Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Will Save Seals, Test New Technology, and Recover Research Teams

In September 2015, the Hawaiian monk seal research program is embarking on a research cruise aboard the NOAA research vessel Oscar Elton Sette for a 28-day project in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
August 17, 2015 - Feature Story ,